
The plot thickens. After I renamed my home folder so Cygwin would make
a new one. The problem seems to be gone.

I will continue to test and see if it comes back. Maybe something in
my home folder is making it unhappy.

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 11:10 PM, Bryan Tong <cont...@nullivex.com> wrote:
> I wasnt able to get any of the replies however I saw them on the mailing list.
> First of all, yes the problems continue if I type "exit" into each windows.
> Also happens if I just press the "X" on the window.
> Enter, doesnt do anything on the window. I have to either wait about
> 60 seconds for the window to exit after claiming to not respond or I
> have to use the task manager to kill it.
> I am trying the others now and will let you know.
> What I can tell you is that I just did a fresh install of cygwin
> 32bit. I install nano, vim, ssh, ping as well was the base package
> set.
> The problem continues on that installation as well.
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 2:10 AM, Bryan Tong <cont...@nullivex.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and ever since I have I am getting a
>> hang every time I try to exit a Mintty window after using SSH.
>> What makes this issue more interesting is that I cant always reproduce
>> it. It only happens after I have long standing SSH sessions.
>> After I press "CTL + a + d" the final time when I am back at the
>> cygwin login prompt. The window hangs and my cursor disappears when I
>> try to mouse into the window (this includes the title bar, an exit
>> buttons). At this point the only option is killing from the task
>> manager or waiting about a minute until the window dies.
>> I am thinking this has to do with unclosed sockets after I have done a
>> bunch of googling on what might be causing this.
>> There is one mailing thread pertaining to a similar issue but it
>> doesnt match up  exactly.
>> It definitely started directly after the upgrade to Windows 10. I did
>> not upgrade cygwin until after I ran into this problem. However the
>> issue still persists after the upgrade. I believe I am running the
>> latest versions.
>> I have attached my cygcheck to help.
>> Best way to reproduce
>> 1) Open mintty
>> 2) ssh to a host
>> 3) idle on this host for say 5 minutes
>> 4) press "ctl + a + d" to disconnect from the host
>> 5) press "ctl + a + d" to disconnect from the Mintty window
>> I can almost always reproduce this after working on remote servers.
>> However when I try to do it on command it happen every time.
>> I want to point out that I am also using this SSH option.
>> ServerAliveInterval 30
>> I am starting to wonder if maybe that option is causing SSH to keep
>> the window open as it tries to keep the server alive. It seems that
>> the 30 second window is close to how long I am seeing these windows
>> hang open.
>> I am not even sure where to look for more debugging. I am more curious
>> if anyone else is experiencing this?
>> Please note that I upgraded my Desktops from Windows 7 -> Windows 10
>> and they both see the problem. On the other hand my laptop I upgraded
>> from Windows 8 -> Windows 10 and it continues to work normally.
>> Any help would be appreciated I am stumped on this one.
>> Thanks
>> --
>> eSited LLC
>> (701) 390-9638
> --
> eSited LLC
> (701) 390-9638

eSited LLC
(701) 390-9638

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