On Wednesday, October 21 2015, "Corinna Vinschen" wrote to "cygwin@cygwin.com" 

> On Oct  8 12:16, Jonathan Lennox wrote:
> > Hi, following up on this issue from last year.  The message I'm replying to
> > is at <https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2014-04/msg00524.html>.
> > 
> > The problem is weird behavior in Parallels Desktop-hosted Windows VMs, when
> > accessing the host's native Mac OS X filesystem.  See the thread for the
> > details.
> > 
> > On Wednesday, April 23 2014, "Corinna Vinschen" wrote to 
> > "cygwin@cygwin.com" saying:
> > 
> > > > At this point this is looking pretty clearly like a Parallels Tools bug.
> > > > I'll report it to them.
> > > 
> > > Yes, that sounds good.  Given that, I'm wondering if we should try to
> > > workaround this problem at all or rather wait to see if the vendor will
> > > fix the issue.
> > 
> > No such luck, despite two major version revisions of Parallels Desktop (I'm
> > now on version 11.0.2) and moving to Windows 10 as the guest OS -- the bug
> > perists, unchanged.  So it looks like Cygwin will need to add a workaround
> > for this filesystem to fix the problem.
> Ok, we could do that.  Can you compile and run the testcase from
> https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2014-04/msg00523.html again?  Does it
> still show 0 vs. 12 bytes?  Dumb extra test: Does the output change
> if you reorder the calls, requesting FileStandardInformation first,
> FileNetworkOpenInformation second?

I re-ran the test, no change. Changing the order gives the same result --
FileStandardInformation works, FileNetworkOpenInformation doesn't.

> Just create a hardlink on that drive using native means:
>   $ touch foo
>   $ cmd /c mklink /h bar foo
> Error at this point?  No hardlinks.  Otherwise:

"You do not have sufficient privilege to perform this operation."  Is that
sufficient proof?

Unfortunately, when I do "Run As Administrator" on MinTTY, the Mac drives
(/cygdrive/z and /cygdrive/y) don't show up. I don't know why that is.  So I
can't test hard links as administrator.

>   $ ls -li foo bar
> Are the inode numbers identical?  Congrats, hardlinks work.  But given
> the general FAT-iness of the getVolInfo output, I guess it doesn't
> maintain hardlinks.

However, when I create a hardlink on the underlying (Mac) file system, the
inode numbers that Cygwin shows are not identical.  So "no hardlinks" seems
very likely.

Jonathan Lennox
lennox at cs dot columbia dot edu

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