Greetings, Adrian H!

> I was copying a directory of files, some of which were windows junctions.
> These got converted to a cygwin symlink.  Although I am impressed that there
> are such a thing for those OSs/drives that do not support such things, for 
> those
> that do, I think it would be good to keep the copy a junction.  Otherwise,
> things can get messy.

> Can this be corrected?

Unfortunately, even on systems, that do support symlinks functionality, it is
restricted by UAC and not easily unlocked.
You'd need an admin shell or a user profile with UAC turned off and permissions
correctly configured to exploit native symlinks.
And Cygwin does not support creation of directory junctions to the best of my
knowledge. :(

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Monday, November 2, 2015 22:48:43

Sorry for my terrible english...

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