On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Marco Atzeri <marco.atz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09/11/2015 20:17, Brian Neu wrote:
>> fc-list outputs nothing.
> this is strange
> Is it functional ?
> $ /usr/bin/fc-list --version
> fontconfig version 2.11.1
Would setting the environment variable FC_DEBUG=4095 (or some other
value) be of any use?

The output of fc-list is empty on this one particular Cygwin setup
here, but with FC_DEBUG I get:
$ FC_DEBUG=4095 fc-list | head
        Loading config file /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
Add Subst match
        pattern any family Equal "mono"
        Edit family Assign "monospace";

Add Subst match

FC_DEBUG is documented at
(first match for FC_DEBUG) but it consists of bits for features and
4095 turns on 12 of them. 128 might be the most important value.

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