Greetings, Brian Mathis!

> I recently updated to the latest set of cygwin packages, and something
> has broken the terminal icon when pinned to the start menu.  When
> starting from the Start menu "Cygwin Terminal" icon, mintty comes up
> normally, loads my user profile, and the cwd is set to ~.

> However, if I right-click the icon on the taskbar and select "Pin to
> taskbar", close the existing terminal, then open by clicking on the
> pinned taskbar icon, the terminal starts but it does not load the
> profile, the cwd is /usr/bin, and no commands can be found (e.g. ls:
> command not found).  I have tracked this down to the pinned icon
> missing the arguments "-i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -".

> I'm sure this worked prior to the update, so something seems to have
> changed.  I update fairly often, so this is something recent within
> the past month or so.  I'm on Windows 8.1 x64 using Cygwin 32bit.

I've experienced this same issue across a wide range of applications,
including AD management tools.

I have a feeling this is unrelated to Cygwin.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 06:52:19

Sorry for my terrible english...

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