On 11/16/2015 08:40 AM, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
Gluszczak, Glenn sent the following at Monday, November 16, 2015 11:16 AM

When I shell to cmd.exe, the commands I execute are echoed (not sure if
stdout or stderr). This doesn't happen under native cmd.exe. Is there a
variable that controls this? I only have CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning

Notice the commands "dir" and "whoami" are emitted to the output.

cmd.exe is in control of its own echoing.  Try starting as cmd /q
cmd /?
/Q      Turns echo off

As to why cmd behaves differently when started under bash (even in a
non-mintty window) than when started directly or under cmd ....

Hope that helps.

- Barry
   Disclaimer: Statements made herein are not made on behalf of NIAID.

Mintty (and ssh, etc.) use pty's. cmd does not understand pty's. So if you run say Cygwin's bash from a cmd window and then start cmd you will not get the echoing. If, however, you start cmd from a bash shell that is in a mintty window then you're using pty's and you'll get echoing. Likewise if you run bash in a cmd window, then say ssh to another machine, you're now using pty's and you'll see the behavior again.
Andrew DeFaria

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