Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 07:32:16AM -0500, Norman Vine wrote:
> >
> >With a Cygwin CVS tree I built this AM < (2) below > 
> >rxvt has problems when configuring a project from a build directory
> >
> >ie 
> >     src
> >     build
> >
> >cd $TOP_DIR/build
> >../configure
> >
> >The problems vary from run to run ranging from 'error parsing uname'
> >to program hang < recoverable with 'ctrl-C' > making me suspect a
> >possible data loss
> >
> >Using the gcc option -pipe seems to allow the configure process
> >Using the -pipe flag I have not seen the uname error but it does
> >eventually hang when actually creating the Makefiles
> >
> >This project uses libtool
> >
> >With the CVS tree build (1) below I do not experience this
> >
> >(1) 10-Dec-2002   7:10:38a    6,683,847  cygwin-20021210.tar.gz
> >(2) 12-Dec-2002   6:09:42a    6,688,318  cygwin-20021212.tar.gz
> >
> >The times are EST and the tarballs are created by a script that
> >does a CVS update, make, make tarball which takes ~20 minutes
> >so the CVS update time should be approximately 20 minutes earlier
> >
> >Any 'tips' as to how to best debug this appreciated 
> - Attach to the hung process with gdb and see where it is hung.
> - Provide cygcheck output.
> - Run under strace and see if you can infer where hangs or problems
>   are occurring.

Attached find cygcheck output and the config.status output
upto where 'sed' gets unhappy and enters a repeating loop

This happens when running a bash shell in an rxvt terminal
config.status runs to completion from a bash shell in the Win2k cmd.exe terminal

I have marked where the output differs from the successful run
in make.log

This is repeatable


Attachment: cygcheck.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: make.log
Description: Binary data

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