Thanks, I'll look in that direction...

Next question is where can I find an official Emacs 64-bit build?

Went to the FAQ, read it at
it says it should be on the ftp site  and there would be both a 32 and
64 bit versions but apparently there is only one of them, the 32
bit.... which I mistakenly took for the 64 bit. This probably

Google a bit further, and it appears that some guy/team publishes a 64
bit build on sourceforge. but it has nothing
official and it evolves along with the most recent sources apparently.

Just  now found
discussing this issue :-)

BTW, I'll also give a try at the cygwin emacs build.

I'll also look at building Emacs from source for x64....

- I now have a version (25.xx) that works with cygwin64 bash....
- FAQ still a somewhat misleading
- I'll have a look at building  Emacs from source.... and see how to
share the results.

Thanks anyway to all.


# Dominique de Waleffe
# ddewaleffe -at- gmail -dot- com

On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 8:31 AM, Eli Zaretskii <> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 22:20:18 +0100
>> From: Dominique de Waleffe <>
>> So... started my homework... Got fresh w10 vm, put cygwin64 and both
>> versions of emacs 24.4 and 24.5 from fsf ftp onto it....
>> And trying to start bash as shell fails under both  versions!
>> => I was mistaken in the origin of my instance of 24.4 (it must have
>> come from another source, and I do not remember which)....
>>      It says: GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-w64-mingw32)  of 2014-10-21 on KAEL
>> => both versions from fsf ftp appear to be compiled using mingw
>>      GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2015-04-11 on LEG570
>>      GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (i686-pc-mingw32) of 2014-10-24 on LEG570
>> So the difference seems to be in the difference of mingw compilation mode.
>> That's as far as I got tonight. Maybe someone has knowledge to share
>> about the cause and what to do about this?
> I'd say this is somehow related to 64-bit Cygwin programs being run by
> 32-bit native Windows programs.  The version which works for you is a
> 64-bit executable, those that don't are 32-bit.
> Maybe there are compatibility issues vis-à-vis 64-bit Cygwin.

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