2015-12-05 23:40 GMT+01:00 Mark Geisert <m...@maxrnd.com>:
> Kacper Michajlow wrote:
>> 2015-12-05 11:51 GMT+01:00 Mark Geisert <m...@maxrnd.com>:
>>> Mark Geisert wrote:
>>> In the OP's very good testcase the most heavily contended locks, by far,
>>> are
>>> those internal to git's builtin/pack-objects.c.  I plan to show actual
>>> stats
>>> after some more cleanup, but I did notice something in that git source
>>> file
>>> that might explain the difference between Cygwin and MinGW when running
>>> this
>>> testcase...
>>> #ifndef NO_PTHREADS
>>> static pthread_mutex_t read_mutex;
>>> #define read_lock()             pthread_mutex_lock(&read_mutex)
>>> #define read_unlock()           pthread_mutex_unlock(&read_mutex)
>>> static pthread_mutex_t cache_mutex;
>>> #define cache_lock()            pthread_mutex_lock(&cache_mutex)
>>> #define cache_unlock()          pthread_mutex_unlock(&cache_mutex)
>>> static pthread_mutex_t progress_mutex;
>>> #define progress_lock()         pthread_mutex_lock(&progress_mutex)
>>> #define progress_unlock()       pthread_mutex_unlock(&progress_mutex)
>>> #else
>>> #define read_lock()             (void)0
>>> #define read_unlock()           (void)0
>>> #define cache_lock()            (void)0
>>> #define cache_unlock()          (void)0
>>> #define progress_lock()         (void)0
>>> #define progress_unlock()       (void)0
>>> #endif
>>> Is it possible the MinGW version of git is compiled with NO_PTHREADS
>>> #defined?  If so, it would mean there's no locking being done at all and
>>> would explain the faster execution and near 100% CPU utilization when
>>> running under MinGW.
>> Nah, there is no threading enabled when there is no pthreads. How
>> would that work? :D See thread-utils.h
>> #ifndef NO_PTHREADS
>> #include <pthread.h>
>> extern int online_cpus(void);
>> extern int init_recursive_mutex(pthread_mutex_t*);
>> #else
>> #define online_cpus() 1
>> #endif
> We're not familiar at all with MinGW.  Could you locate the source for
> MinGW's pthread_mutex_lock() online and give us a link to it?  And BTW,
> which Windows are you running and on what kind of hardware (bitness and
> #CPUS/threads)?
> It looks like we're going to have to compare actual pthread_mutex_lock()
> implementations.  Inspecting source is nice but I don't want to be chasing a
> mirage so I really hope there's a pthread_mutex_lock() function inside the
> MinGW git you are running.  gdb could easily answer that question.  Could
> you please do an 'info func pthread_mutex_lock' after starting MinGW git
> under MinGW gdb with a breakpoint at main() (so libraries are loaded).
> ..mark
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Hmm, thinking about it mingw doesn't have pthread implementation or
any wrapper for it. If someone needs pthread they would probably go
for pthreads-w32 implementation.

I started to wonder because I don't recall git would need pthreads to
compile on Windows. And indeed they have a wrapper for Windows API...

Though it is not really a matter that "native" git build is fast and
all, but that Cygwin's one really struggles if it comes to MT workload

And this not only issue with git unfortunately. Download speeds are
also limited on Cygwin. I know POSIX compatibility layers comes with a
price but I would love to see improvements in those areas.
Receiving objects: 100% (230458/230458), 78.41 MiB | 1.53 MiB/s, done.
"native" git:
Receiving objects: 100% (230458/230458), 78.41 MiB | 18.54 MiB/s, done.

I'm on Windows 10 x64 and i7 5820K (6C/12T).


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