On 12/23/2015 8:23 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:
Am 23.12.2015 um 11:22 schrieb Achim Gratz:
Maybe, although I'd consider it a bug if it's barfing on a minor version
update since there is no binary or API incompatibility among minor
versions (as long as they're built with the same options of course).

Turns out this is indeed a longstanding bug (and one upstream is likely
to continue ignoring) that PAR::Packer uses the version string as a
proxy for ABI compatibility:


The package is in the hands of Yaakov, so either he's going to provide
an update shortly or you downgrade Perl to 5.22.0 for the moment.  If a
new package is made available, I wouldn't mind if the version check was
patched to check the last component for greater-or-equal instead of
equal.  Testing for equality makes no sense unless we'd bundle
PAR::Packer with the perl package in Cygwin.

I solved the problem for now by rebuilding perl-PAR-Packer.

In your previous message you said:

In the context of Cygwin I'm not sure what benefits if any packing
would have. Keeping the distribution unpacked seems far more manageable.

Packing is strictly for upstream TeX Live, i.e., for people who want to install TeX Live (and biber) directly from the TeX Live repo. This is the way they do it on all platforms. For the Cygwin distro, I'll continue to provide biber unpacked.


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