Hi Corinna,

I have been looking for an STC to show why cmp fails on Cygwin (and to show the
difference between Cygwin and Linux).

The STC below creates a pipe (pipe() is used), followed by calls to fstat() and
stat() for both the read end and the write end of the pipe.

(I also tested with popen()/pclose(): same result)


Btw, I am using W7 prof.; Cygwin-32 and Cygwin-64; 2.3.1 and 2.4.0


The code for the STC is basically as follows:

    struct stat sb[2];
    int pfd[2];

    pid_t pid = getpid();
    if (pipe(pfd) != 0)

for (int f = 0; f < 2; f++) // step over the read end and write end of the pipe
        char symlnk[64];

        if (sprintf(symlnk, "/proc/%d/fd/%d", pid, pfd[0 + f]) <= 0)
!f ? printf("... %s (symbolic link to the read end of the pipe)\n", symlnk) : printf("... %s (symbolic link to the write end of the pipe)\n", symlnk);

        printf("... using  stat()\n");
        if (stat(symlnk, sb) != 0)

        printf("... using fstat()\n");
        if ( fstat(pfd[0 + f], sb + 1) != 0 )
        displayStatInfo(sb + 1);

Linux shows:
@@ ./t_stat2
... /proc/968/fd/3 (symbolic link to the  read end of the pipe)
... using  stat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (8)   major=0   minor=8
I-node number:            53bc - decimal: 21436
File size:                0 bytes
... using  stat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (8)   major=0   minor=8
I-node number:            53bc - decimal: 21436
File size:                0 bytes
... /proc/968/fd/4 (symbolic link to the write end of the pipe)
... using  stat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (8)   major=0   minor=8
I-node number:            53bc - decimal: 21436
File size:                0 bytes
... using  stat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (8)   major=0   minor=8
I-node number:            53bc - decimal: 21436
File size:                0 bytes

Cygwin shows:
@@ ./t_stat2
... /proc/2864/fd/3 (symbolic link to the  read end of the pipe)
... using  stat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (c7)   major=0   minor=199
I-node number: a325e1ba495b63cf - decimal: 11756050592531440591
File size:                0 bytes
... using fstat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (c6)   major=0   minor=198
I-node number: 0 - decimal: 0 <==== zero, the non-existing i-node ...
File size:                0 bytes
... /proc/2864/fd/4 (symbolic link to the write end of the pipe)
... using  stat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (c7)   major=0   minor=199
I-node number: a325e1ba495f64cb - decimal: 11756050592531702987 <==== Linux shows the same i-node
File size:                0 bytes
... using fstat()
File type:                FIFO or pipe
Device containing i-node: (c5)   major=0   minor=197
I-node number:            0 - decimal: 0              <==== ditto
File size:                0 bytes


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