
I am trying to upgrade Cygwin on Win7 remotely through sshd, using
some small scripts but without success it always show:

  Changing gid back to original
  running: c:\cygwin\bin\dash.exe "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash"
  abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741819
  running: c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile
  abnormal exit: exit code=-1073741819

While, i can update it the same way using a local cygwin terminal.

The taken task are :

1. First, send a command to remote shell to start a batch script on a
new independent cmd window as follow and it kills all opened cygwin
processes like bash.

 cmd /c start "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\call_setup.bat" && for
i in    $(ps -e | awk '{print $1}' | sort) ; do kill -9 $i ; done

2. call_setup.bat calls another batch file which starts the upgrading
process as follow, and i have read on another thread from Corinna that
first it needs to installing only the cygwin1.dll from
http://cygwin.com/snapshots/x86/cygwin1-20151112.dll.xz and then
perform the upgrade:

net stop sshd
xcopy /y "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\cygwin1.dll" "C:\cygwin\bin"
"C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\setup-x86.exe" -q -n -N -d -g -A -R
"c:\cygwin" -L -l "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads" -P openssh,rsync
 net start sshd

Any help appriciated

Thanks in advance !

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