On Jan 10 13:12, Herbert Stocker wrote:

Hi, i have read that beginning this month Cygwin wants to drop support for Windows XP. Though the home page and FAQ entry 12 do not talk about this. Are they out of date or is WinXP still supported?

So far, nothing has changed, XP is still supported. I intend to pull
the plug at one point this year, but it also depends on how much time I
have. Continuing support for XP and Server 2003 is really becoming a

The Cygwin support for XP is very much appreciated as the latest Windows releases are not really ready for prime time office work yet. Windows 10 is making some headway in this respect.

I'd like to say a sincere thank you to Corina (and the rest of the team) for supporting XP for this long, and I hope she stays so busy the issue of removing XP support never becomes a priority. :)

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