> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Stefan Götz
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 12:55 AM
> Hello,
> I have set up cron as below on a fresh Windows 10 with a fresh,
> minimal 64-bit Cygwin installation. Cronjobs are not executed and
cronevents says /usr/sbin/cron:
> PID 608: (CRON) error (can't switch user context). The output of cronbug
is attached.

> When I run the service not under my own user but as an administrator, the
> result and error is the same.
> Thanks! Any advice is appreciated.
> $ cron-config

Thanks for sending the cronbug.txt, Stefan.

It shows that although you asked to run as yourself the daemon is actually
running under the SYSTEM account.
That explains the error message, but I wonder why cron-config misbehaves.
That hasn't changed in years.
Are you logged in with your "Windows id" (instead of as your local user id)?

If so there has been a similar case that has never been fully explained.

Could you do the following:
Edit /bin/cron-config and uncomment the second line (set -x)
Run the modified cron-config, reproducing exactly what you do usually
(remove the service, ask to run as yourself).
The details of what the script does will be echoed.
Then paste the whole output in an e-mail, you can send it to me privately.


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