On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 12:00:51PM -0000, Kris Thielemans wrote:
> Remaining questions:
> - is there another way to prevent specific users access to telnet or ftp ?
> (or ssh when I get round to installing sshd) ?
Edit /etc/passwd and set the shell field to /something/invalid/but/not/empty
> - I still don't understand why certain cygwin programs could read the file
> and others not (see mail below). It can't be NT, because I could obviously
> read/write all files I created myself using NT programs. So, I have the
> impression that some cygwin programs use ntsec in different ways. For
> example, cat or vi could read the file with an unrecognised owner, but
> test -r couldn't. (I recently reinstalled and upgraded the whole of cygwin,
> so I don't think it's because I have old versions lying around).

test -r does not read the file. It relies on permission  bits to predict
if you can read the file. Unfortunately Windows works with acls. It is
not possible to perfectly map all acls into permission bits.
In this case the prediction was incorrect.


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