Jan Nijtmans <jan.nijtmans <at> gmail.com> writes:

> 2016-01-30 4:21 GMT+01:00 Ken Brown:
> > I'm using cygwin_conv_path to convert Win32 paths to POSIX paths, and I'm
> > puzzled by the conversion
> >
> >   d:/ --> /cygdrive/d
> >
> > without the trailing slash.  By contrast, we have
> >
> >   d:/foo/ --> /cygdrive/d/foo/
> This came up before:
>    <https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2015-10/msg00048.html>
> I had to workaround it in tkimg.
> It's easy to workaround in your program, but - indeed -
> that shouldn't be necessary. I too would expect that
> when the input contains a slash, the output should too.
> Regards,
>      Jan Nijtmans

For the record ...

 - Ken Brown refers to: win32 -> posix
 - Jan Nijthuis and Ray Donnelly refer to: posix -> win32

Different code paths ...

(and yes, conversions in both directions should be correct)


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