On 2016-02-08 06:57, Andrew Clark wrote:
I've been running a simple script that uses curl to generate a token
from a web service. Up until the last release (7.47.0-2), this had
been working fine. Now, however, I'm consistently getting

curl: (55) Failed sending HTTP request

The script I have boils down to this curl request:

$ curl --header "$header"

where $header contains

$ echo "$header"
Authorization: Basic Sm9oblNtaXRoQGRhdGFpbnRlbnNpdHlsbGMuY29tOldlbGNvbWUxCg==
X-ConsumerKey: oEcc7vFraW66kVlr3zWb6i

(these are values for a dummy account with this provider set up to
allow access to their token service)

A separate --header flag should be used for each header that you wish to set. IOW:

curl --header "Authorization: Basic $AUTH" --header "X-ConsumerKey: $KEY" $URL


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