Greetings, Aijaz Baig!

Please don't top-post, thank you.

> I was able to see some "action" by turning the
> "NoInteractiveSercvices" option OFF in the registry. So now when I try
> to run notepad.exe from the ssh shell, it asks me whether I'd like to
> see the "message" and when I click yes, I see some "window-like" thing
> on the desktop at which point the desktop apparently hangs.

> On prodding further, I realize that if I disable the windows service
> which checks whether a certain service is trying to "interact", I see
> nothing in the desktop and everything is just like it was before I
> started this exploration.

This is exactly what Larry has been referring to. Services are running in a
separate desktop session since Vista.
If you disable detection of such services showing GUI stuff, you will have no
access to that desktop.

> Has anyone been able to get around this problem? On the other hand,
> where can I get to read the log of the cygwin SSHD?? /var/log/sshd.log
> is empty? where does CYGWIN sshd does the logging?? AFAIK it used to
> be this file. Has that changed??

This is not a problem, this is a security feature.
If you desperately want to interact with user session, run SSHD in that user's

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, February 11, 2016 14:51:36

Sorry for my terrible english...

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