Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 11/02/2016 19:33, Byron Boulton wrote:
On 2/11/2016 1:18 PM, cyg Simple wrote:
On 2/11/2016 9:00 AM, Byron Boulton wrote:
Does anyone here have success using `updatedb` and `locate` in cygwin? I
use `locate` heavily on my Linux machines, but everytime I've tried to
run `updatedb` on cygwin I've given up and killed the process because it
is taking too long.
        There's a reason why on linux it is usually set to run
when you are asleep.  ;-)

 Is there something wrong with cygwin's
implementation of `updatedb` making it not work at all or making it
slower that on my Linux machines? Or are there others who have success
using it on cygwin?

But it might have to do with disk speed and memory.  Laptop drives
are usually among the slowest.

I ran it just now (this is with MS's Home Essentials
real-time protection turned on).

law.Bliss/bin> time
670592 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 19
44.21sec 15.06usr 28.30sys (98.09% cpu)
locate / >/tmp/all
wc /tmp/all
 1479146   4014375 133322318 /tmp/all
df .
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
C:              949G  585G  365G  62% /

So ~1.4 million files... Using the following exclusions:

renice +19 $$
if [[ -d /windows/sysnative/. ]]; then Local+=" /windows/sysnative/."
Prunepaths='/.usr /proc /C /B /H /I /M /D /P 
/System[[:space:]]Volume[[:space:]]Information /Windows/CSC /pagefile.sys 
/Music /Pictures /Share /Media /home /Doc /$RECYCLE.BIN /cygdrive'

/bin/updatedb --findoptions=-noleaf  --localpaths="$Local" --prunepaths="$Prunepaths" 
Most of those pruned files are pruned either due to redundancy
or being on a local network server...

That's fairly fast vs. the MS-Home Essentials, full malware
scan I run once a week that takes ~ 8-16 hours (It scans a few of my network directories,as well).

Processing every file on the drive will be slow just because it's
Windows.  Initializing the database with updatedb will require a large
amount of time.  There are processes such as AntiVirus intrusion
protection that might make it even slower.

Hmmm, the reason the slowness is particuarly strange to me is that in
place of using `locate` from my cygwin terminal, I have to use a program
called "Everything Search Engine" available at The
first time I install it, it takes maybe a few minutes to index the hard
drive, then every once in a while when I open the program it takes a few
seconds to update the index, but in general the performance for indexing
and searching the index if comparable to `updatedb` and `locate` on a
Linux machine, so it's possible to do on Windows.


the time taken from updatedb is mainly due to
the execution time of "find" on the disks.

It takes ~ 70 minutes for my 500 GB of data,
and likely the AV is impacting the execution.

I suspect voidtools is using MS disk indexing
to speed up the things for it.


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