Hi John,

Thanks a lot for testing Cygwin on Wine.
Wine Staging team and I done some Cygwin support work on Wine, we are
glad to see people using Cygwin on Wine!
However, generic speaking, if Cygwin works on Windows but breaks on
Wine, I believe the first place to report is the Wine project. You are
welcome to submit bug report to https://bugs.wine-staging.com/ and CC
me :)  It's also a good idea to search msys2/cygwin before submit new
bugs: https://bugs.wine-staging.com/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=msys2&list_id=4821

If any Cygwin developers are annoyed by Wine related post then I'll feel guilty.

Regarding your specific problem, yes, I am able to reproduce it on
Wine, and I can confirm it works on Windows.

Could you file a bug to Wine Staging and CC me? I suggest to
investigate the Wine side first before bother Cygwin devs too much :)


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