
I created cygserver.conf file by executing the script
'cygserver-config'. The cygserver is running.
>From the installation folder (c:\cygwin)  the cygcheck output is
showing the status 'ok' for all the packages.
For my application i have to copy the cygwin folders (bin, etc...) to
another directory along with my programs.
>From my work area folder the cygcheck output is shown as incomplete
for many packages.
Attached here are the cgycheck outputs from my installation and work areas.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 2:08 PM, Meenakshi Pant
<meenakshi.pan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Our program is failing in creating and acquiring lock on the
> semaphore. Created a test program 'semtest.c'. It is creating the
> semaphore using the program semaphore.c. Compiled and executed using
> the latest CYGWIN- 2.4.1. It is failing at line
> if  ((semval = semctl(*id, 1, GETVAL, semctl_arg)) < 0 )
> with error no 22.
> Code for semtest.c and semaphore.c are as given below
> *********************************************************************
> /* semtest.c */
> #define TITLE "SEMTEST Semaphore Test Stub - Version 0.1 (10-Dec-1992)"
> #define USAGE "Usage: semtest c|o"
> #ifndef lint
> static char *sccs_id="$Id: semtest.c,v 7.0 2000/08/24 15:59:12 growe Exp $";
> #endif
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #ifndef LOCAL_INC
> #include <kinsys.h>
> #include <semaphore.h>
> #include <errormsg.h>
> #else
> #include <kinsys.h>
> #include <semaphore.h>
> #include <errormsg.h>
> #endif
> static int sem = SEM_NULL;
> static key_t key = 0x123d4a;
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> printf("\n%s\n", TITLE);
> printf("\n%s\n", USAGE);
> if (argc != 2)
> {
> printf("\n%s\n", USAGE);
> }
> switch (argv[1][0])
> {
> case 'c':
> if (SemCreate(&sem, key, SEM_BINARY) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> printf("Semaphore Created key: 0x%x    sem: %d\n", key, sem);
> break;
> case 'o':
> if (SemOpen(&sem, key) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> printf("Semaphore Opened key: 0x%x    sem: %d\n", key, sem);
> break;
> default:
> printf("\n%s\n", USAGE);
> }
> printf("About to Wait/lock on semaphore\n");
> if (SemWait(sem) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> printf("semaphore locked\n");
> printf("Press [RETURN] to continue and unlock semaphore\n");
> (void) getchar();
> printf("About to Signal/unlock on semaphore\n");
> if (SemSignal(sem) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> printf("semaphore unlocked\n");
> printf("About to Close on semaphore\n");
> if (SemClose(sem) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> sem = SEM_NULL;
> printf("semaphore closed\n");
> (void)MsgClose(mhDefault);
> printf("Program Terminated Successfully\n");
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> (void) EsTraceBack();
> (void)MsgClose(mhDefault);
> printf("Program Terminated with error\n");
> return(FAIL);
> }
> **************************************************************************************
> Semaphore.c
>  /* semaphore.c
>  * Description:        Provides a simpler and safer interface to the UNIX
>  *                      System V Release 4 semaphores. Seven functions are
>  *                      provided.
>  *
>  *                      1.  id = SemCreate(key, value);
>  *                      2.  id = SemOpen(key);
>  *                      3.  SemWait(id);
>  *                      4.  SemSignal(id);
>  *                      5.  SemOp(id, amount);
>  *                      6.  SemClose(id);
>  *                      7.  SemRm(id);
>  *
>  * Portability Issues: This implementation requires System V semaphore
>  *                      facility.
>  *
>  * Edit History:
>  *
>  *
>  */
> #ifndef lint
> static char *sccs_id="$Id: semaphore.c,v 7.2 2001/03/26 10:54:28 asealy Exp 
> $";
> #endif
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <machine.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/ipc.h>
> #include <sys/sem.h>
> #include <errno.h>
> extern int errno;
> #define SEM_
> #include <kinsys.h>
> #include <debug.h>
> #include <errormsg.h>
> #include <semaphore.h>
> #include <semaphore.mh>
> #include <ux.h> /* General UNIX messages */
> #include <ux.mh> /* General UNIX messages */
> #define BIGCOUNT 10000 /* Initial value of process counter */
> union semun {
>   int val;
>   struct semid_ds *buf;
>   ushort *array;
> } semctl_arg;
> #else
> union semun semctl_arg;
> #endif
> typedef struct sembuf SEMBUF;
> /* Prototypes for local functions */
> /*
>  * Define the semaphore operation arrays for the semop() calls.
>  */
> static SEMBUF op_lock[2] = {
> 2, 0, 0, /* wait for [2] (lock) to equal 0 */
> 2, 1, SEM_UNDO /* then incrrement [2] to 1 - this locks it */
> /* UNDO to release the lock it process exits
>   before explicitly unblocking */
> };
> static SEMBUF op_endcreate[2] = {
> 1, -1, SEM_UNDO,
> 2, -1, SEM_UNDO
> };
> static SEMBUF op_open[1] = {
> 1, -1, SEM_UNDO
> };
> static SEMBUF op_close[3] = {
> 2, 0, 0,
> 2, 1, SEM_UNDO,
> 1, 1, SEM_UNDO
> };
> static SEMBUF op_unlock[1] = {
> 2, -1, SEM_UNDO
> };
> static SEMBUF op_op[1] = {
> 0, 99, SEM_UNDO
> };
> /************************************************************************
>  * Name:            SemCreate
>  *
>  * Function:
>  *
>  * Input:           key - the IPC key that identifies the semaphore.
>  *                  initval - initial value of the semaphore.
>  *
>  * Output           *id - the identifier of this semaphore.
>  *
>  * Return:          SUCCESS or FAIL
>  *
>  * Side Effects:    none
>  *
>  * Procedure:       1.
>  *                  2.
>  *                  3.
>  ************************************************************************/
> SemCreate(int *id, key_t key, int initval)
> {
>     printf(" \n in semcretae");
>     printf("\n SEMUN_DEFINED = %i  " , SEMUN_DEFINED);
> register int semval;
>     printf(" \n After Register = %i  ", semval);
> if (key EQ IPC_PRIVATE)
> {
> printf(" \n SEM, Not intended for private semaphores");
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> else if (key EQ (key_t) -1)
> {
> printf("\nSEM, probably an ftok() error by caller");
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> again:
> if ( (*id = semget(key, 3, 0666 | IPC_CREAT)) < 0)
> {
> printf("\nSEM, SemCreate, semget access/limits errno %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> if (semop(*id, &op_lock[0], 2) < 0)
> {
> if (errno EQ EINVAL)
> goto again;
> printf("\nSEM, Can't lock...: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> /*
> * Get the value of the process counter. If it equals zero
> * then no one has initialised the semaphore yet.
> */
> semctl_arg.val = 0;
> if ( (semval = semctl(*id, 1, GETVAL, semctl_arg)) < 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, can't GETVAL..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> if (semval EQ 0)
> {
> /* We could initialise by doing a SETALL, but that
> * would clear the adjust value.
> */
> semctl_arg.val = initval;
> if (semctl(*id, 0, SETVAL, semctl_arg) < 0)
> {
> printf("\nSEM, can SETVAL[0]..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> semctl_arg.val = BIGCOUNT;
> if (semctl(*id, 1, SETVAL, semctl_arg) < 0)
> {
> printf("\nSEM, can SETVAL[1]..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> }
> /*
> * Decrement the process counter and then release the lock.
> */
> if (semop(*id, &op_endcreate[0], 2) < 0)
> {
> printf("\nSEM", "can't endcreate..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> printf("\nSEM", "SemCreate SUCCESS id:%d  tok:%x", *id, key);
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> *id = SEM_NULL;
> printf("\n SEM, SemCreate FAIL   id:%d  tok:%x", *id, key);
> return(FAIL);
> }
> /************************************************************************
>  * Name:            SemOpen
>  *
>  * Function:
>  *
>  * Input:           id - the identifier of this semaphore.
>  *
>  * Output:          none.
>  *
>  * Return:          SUCCESS or FAIL
>  *
>  * Side Effects:    none
>  *
>  * Procedure:       1.
>  *                  2.
>  *                  3.
>  ************************************************************************/
> SemOpen(int *id, key_t key)
> {
> printf("\n SEM", "SemOpen Token/key tok:%x", key);
> if (key EQ IPC_PRIVATE)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, Not intended for private semaphores");
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> else if (key EQ (key_t) -1)
> {
> printf("\n SEM", "probably an ftok() error by caller");
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> if ( (*id = semget(key, 3, 0)) < 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, SemOpen, semget prot or tables full:..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> /*
> * Decrement the process counter  -  we don't need a lock.
> */
> if (semop(*id, &op_open[0], 1) < 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, can't open..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> printf("\n SEM, SemOpen SUCCESS id:%d   tok:%x", *id, key);
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> *id = SEM_NULL;
> printf("\n SEM, SemOpen FAIL   id:%d    tok:%x", *id, key);
> return(FAIL);
> }
> /************************************************************************
>  * Name:            SemRm
>  *
>  * Function:
>  *
>  * Input:           id - the identifier of this semaphore.
>  *
>  * Output:          none.
>  *
>  * Return:          SUCCESS or FAIL
>  *
>  * Side Effects:    none
>  *
>  * Procedure:       1.
>  *                  2.
>  *                  3.
>  ************************************************************************/
> SemRm(int id)
> {
> printf("\n SEM", "SemRm( id:%d)",id);
> semctl_arg.val = 0;
> if (semctl(id, 0, IPC_RMID, semctl_arg) < 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM", "can't IPC_RMID..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
>     printf("\n SemRm Error");
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> printf("\n SemRm Error");
> return(FAIL);
> }
> /************************************************************************
>  * Name:            SemClose
>  *
>  * Function:
>  *
>  * Input:           id - the identifier of this semaphore.
>  *
>  * Output:          none.
>  *
>  * Return:          SUCCESS or FAIL
>  *
>  * Side Effects:    none
>  *
>  * Procedure:       1.
>  *                  2.
>  *                  3.
>  ************************************************************************/
> SemClose(int id)
> {
> register int semval;
> /* the followung semop() first gets a lock on the semaphore,
> * then increments [1] - the process conuter.
> */
> printf(" \n SEM, SemClose( id:%d)",id);
> if (semop(id,  &op_close[0], 3) < 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, SemClose can't sem_op..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> /*
> * Now that we have a lock, read the value of the process
> * counter to see if this is the last reference to the
> * semaphore.
> * There is a race condition here - see the comment in
> * SemCreate().
> */
> semctl_arg.val = 0;
> if ( (semval = semctl(id, 1, GETVAL, semctl_arg)) < 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, SemClose can't GETVAL..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> if (semval > BIGCOUNT)
> {
> printf("\nSEM, sem[1] > BIGCOUNT");
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> else if (semval EQ BIGCOUNT)
> {
> if ( SemRm(id) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> else if (semop(id, &op_unlock[0], 1) < 0)
> {
> printf("\nSEM, can't unlock..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> printf("\n SemClose Error");
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> printf("\n SemClose Error FAIL id:%d",id);
> return(FAIL);
> }
> /************************************************************************
>  * Name:            SemWait
>  *
>  * Function:
>  *
>  * Input:           id - the identifier of this semaphore.
>  *
>  * Output:          none.
>  *
>  * Return:          SUCCESS or FAIL
>  *
>  * Side Effects:    none
>  *
>  * Procedure:       1.
>  *                  2.
>  *                  3.
>  ************************************************************************/
> SemWait(int id)
> {
> if (SemOp(id, -1) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> printf("\n SemWait Error");
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> printf("\n SemWait Error");
> return(FAIL);
> }
> /************************************************************************
>  * Name:            SemSignal
>  *
>  * Function:
>  *
>  * Input:           id - the identifier of this semaphore.
>  *
>  * Output:          none.
>  *
>  * Return:          SUCCESS or FAIL
>  *
>  * Side Effects:    none
>  *
>  * Procedure:       1.
>  *                  2.
>  *                  3.
>  ************************************************************************/
> SemSignal(int id)
> {
> if ( SemOp(id, 1) EQ FAIL)
> goto ErrExit;
> printf("\n SemSignal Error");
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> printf("\n SemSignal Error");
> return(FAIL);
> }
> /************************************************************************
>  * Name:            SemOp
>  *
>  * Function:
>  *
>  * Input:           id - the identifier of this semaphore.
>  *
>  * Output:          none.
>  *
>  * Return:          SUCCESS or FAIL
>  *
>  * Side Effects:    none
>  *
>  * Procedure:       1.
>  *                  2.
>  *                  3.
>  ************************************************************************/
> SemOp(int id, int value)
> {
> if ( (op_op[0].sem_op = value) EQ 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, can't have value EQ 0");
> goto ErrExit;
> }
> if (semop(id,  &op_op[0], 1) < 0)
> {
> printf("\n SEM, semop error..: errno = %d", errno);
> goto ErrExit;
> }
>     printf("\n SemOp Success");
> return(SUCCESS);
> ErrExit:
> printf("\n SemOp Error");
> return(FAIL);
> }
> /* End of file: semaphore.c */
> /**********************************************************/
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Meenakshi Pant
> <meenakshi.pan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Our program is failing in creating and acquiring lock on the
>> semaphore. Created a test program 'semtest.c'. It is creating the
>> semaphore using the program semaphore.c. Compiled and executed using
>> the latest CYGWIN- 2.4.1. It is failing at line
>> if  ((semval = semctl(*id, 1, GETVAL, semctl_arg)) < 0 )
>> with error no 22.
>> Code for semtest.c and semaphore.c are attached here.
Cygwin Package Information
Package                               Version                Status
_autorebase                           001003-1               OK
adwaita-icon-theme                    3.18.0-1               OK
alternatives                          1.3.30c-10             OK
autoconf                              13-1                   OK
autoconf2.1                           2.13-12                OK
autoconf2.5                           2.69-3                 OK
automake                              9-1                    OK
automake1.10                          1.10.3-2               OK
automake1.11                          1.11.6-2               OK
automake1.12                          1.12.6-2               OK
automake1.13                          1.13.4-1               OK
automake1.14                          1.14.1-2               OK
automake1.15                          1.15-1                 OK
automake1.4                           1.4p6-11               OK
automake1.5                           1.5-11                 OK
automake1.6                           1.6.3-12               OK
automake1.7                           1.7.9-11               OK
automake1.8                           1.8.5-11               OK
automake1.9                           1.9.6-11               OK
base-cygwin                           3.8-1                  OK
base-files                            4.2-4                  OK
bash                                  4.3.42-4               OK
bashdb                                3.1_0.09-1             OK
binutils                              2.25-4                 OK
bison                                 3.0.4-1                OK
byacc                                 20150711-1             OK
bzip2                                 1.0.6-2                OK
ca-certificates                       2.6-1                  OK
cccc                                  3.1.4-1                OK
clang                                 3.7.1-1                OK
cmake                                 3.3.2-1                OK
cmake-doc                             3.3.2-1                OK
cmake-gui                             3.3.2-1                OK
coreutils                             8.25-1                 OK
crypt                                 1.2-1                  OK
csih                                  0.9.9-1                OK
cvs                                   1.11.23-2              OK
cvsutils                              0.2.6-1                OK
cygport                               0.20.2-1               OK
cygrunsrv                             1.62-1                 OK
cygutils                              1.4.15-2               OK
cygwin                                2.4.1-1                OK
cygwin-debuginfo                      2.4.1-1                OK
cygwin-devel                          2.4.1-1                OK
dash                                  0.5.8-3                OK
desktop-file-utils                    0.22-1                 OK
diffstat                              1.60-1                 OK
diffutils                             3.3-3                  OK
dos2unix                              7.3.3-1                OK
dri-drivers                           11.0.9-2               OK
editrights                            1.03-1                 OK
file                                  5.25-1                 OK
findutils                             4.5.12-1               OK
flac-devel                            1.3.1-1                OK
flex                                  2.5.39-1               OK
flexdll                               0.34-1                 OK
gamin                                 0.1.10-15              OK
gawk                                  4.1.3-1                OK
gcc-core                              5.3.0-3                OK
gcc-g++                               5.3.0-3                OK
gcc-objc                              5.3.0-3                OK
gcc-objc++                            5.3.0-3                OK
getent                                2.18.90-4              OK
grep                                  2.21-2                 OK
groff                                 1.22.3-1               OK
gsettings-desktop-schemas             3.18.1-1               OK
gtk-update-icon-cache                 3.18.7-1               OK
gzip                                  1.6-1                  OK
hicolor-icon-theme                    0.12-1                 OK
hostname                              3.13-1                 OK
info                                  6.1-2                  OK
ipc-utils                             1.0-1                  OK
kbproto                               1.0.7-1                OK
less                                  481-1                  OK
lftp                                  4.6.5-1                OK
libarchive13                          3.1.2-3                OK
libargp                               20110921-2             OK
libatk1.0_0                           2.18.0-1               OK
libatomic1                            5.3.0-3                OK
libattr-devel                         2.4.46-1               OK
libattr1                              2.4.46-1               OK
libblkid1                             2.25.2-2               OK
libboost-devel                        1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_atomic1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_chrono1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_container1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_context1.58                  1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_coroutine1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_date_time1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_filesystem1.58               1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_graph1.58                    1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_iostreams1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_locale1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_log1.58                      1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_math1.58                     1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_program_options1.58          1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_random1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_regex1.58                    1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_serialization1.58            1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_signals1.58                  1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_system1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_test1.58                     1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_thread1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_timer1.58                    1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_wave1.58                     1.58.0-1               OK
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libcairo2                             1.14.4-1               OK
libcharset1                           1.14-3                 OK
libclang3.7                           3.7.1-1                OK
libcloog-isl4                         0.18.0-2               OK
libcom_err2                           1.42.12-2              OK
libcurl4                              7.47.1-1               OK
libdatrie1                            0.2.8-1                OK
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libedit0                              20130712-1             OK
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libexpat1                             2.1.0-3                OK
libfam0                               0.1.10-15              OK
libffi6                               3.2.1-1                OK
libFLAC++6                            1.3.1-1                OK
libFLAC8                              1.3.1-1                OK
libfontconfig1                        2.11.1-3               OK
libfreetype-devel                     2.5.5-2                OK
libfreetype6                          2.5.5-2                OK
libgcc1                               5.3.0-3                OK
libgcrypt20                           1.6.4-1                OK
libgdbm4                              1.8.3-20               OK
libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0                    2.32.2-1               OK
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libGL1                                11.0.9-2               OK
libglapi0                             11.0.9-2               OK
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libgmp10                              6.1.0-3p1              OK
libgnutls28                           3.3.17-1               OK
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libguile17                            1.8.8-1                OK
libharfbuzz0                          1.0.6-1                OK
libhogweed2                           2.7-2                  OK
libICE-devel                          1.0.9-1                OK
libICE6                               1.0.9-1                OK
libiconv                              1.14-3                 OK
libiconv-devel                        1.14-3                 OK
libiconv2                             1.14-3                 OK
libicu-devel                          56.1-1                 OK
libicu56                              56.1-1                 OK
libidn11                              1.29-1                 OK
libintl-devel                            OK
libintl8                                 OK
libisl10                              0.11.1-2               OK
libisl13                              0.14.1-1               OK
libjasper1                            1.900.1-15             OK
libjbig2                              2.0-14                 OK
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libk5crypto3                          1.13.2-4               OK
libkrb5_3                             1.13.2-4               OK
libkrb5support0                       1.13.2-4               OK
liblcms-devel                         1.19-5                 OK
liblcms1                              1.19-5                 OK
libllvm3.7                            3.7.1-1                OK
libltdl7                              2.4.6-3                OK
liblzma5                              5.2.2-1                OK
liblzo2_2                             2.08-1                 OK
libming-devel                         0.4.7-1                OK
libming1                              0.4.7-1                OK
libmng-devel                          1.0.10-4               OK
libmng1                               1.0.10-4               OK
libmpc3                               1.0.3-1                OK
libmpfr4                              3.1.4-1                OK
libncurses-devel                      6.0-4.20160305         OK
libncurses10                          5.9-20150530-1         OK
libncursesw10                         6.0-4.20160305         OK
libnettle4                            2.7-2                  OK
libnghttp2_14                         1.7.1-1                OK
libobjc4                              5.3.0-3                OK
libogg-devel                          1.3.1-1                OK
libogg0                               1.3.1-1                OK
libopenldap2_4_2                      2.4.42-1               OK
libopenssl100                         1.0.2g-3               OK
libp11-kit0                           0.22.1-1               OK
libpango1.0_0                         1.38.1-1               OK
libpcre1                              8.38-2                 OK
libpcre16_0                           8.38-2                 OK
libpipeline1                          1.4.0-1                OK
libpixman1_0                          0.32.8-1               OK
libpng-devel                          1.6.20-1               OK
libpng16                              1.6.20-1               OK
libpng16-devel                        1.6.20-1               OK
libproxy1                             0.4.11-5               OK
libpsl5                               0.12.0-1               OK
libQt5Core5                           5.5.1-1                OK
libQt5Gui5                            5.5.1-1                OK
libquadmath0                          5.3.0-3                OK
libreadline7                          6.3.8-1                OK
libsasl2_3                            2.1.26-9               OK
libsigsegv2                           2.10-2                 OK
libSM-devel                           1.2.2-1                OK
libSM6                                1.2.2-1                OK
libsmartcols1                         2.25.2-2               OK
libsqlite3_0                          3.11.0-2               OK
libssh2_1                             1.7.0-1                OK
libssp0                               5.3.0-3                OK
libstdc++6                            5.3.0-3                OK
libtasn1_6                            4.7-1                  OK
libthai0                              0.1.21-1               OK
libtiff6                              4.0.6-1                OK
libtool                               2.4.6-3                OK
libunistring2                         0.9.6-1                OK
libuuid-devel                         2.25.2-2               OK
libuuid1                              2.25.2-2               OK
libvtv0                               5.3.0-3                OK
libX11-devel                          1.6.3-1                OK
libX11-xcb1                           1.6.3-1                OK
libX11_6                              1.6.3-1                OK
libXau-devel                          1.0.8-1                OK
libXau6                               1.0.8-1                OK
libxcb-devel                          1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-glx0                           1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-icccm4                         0.4.1-1                OK
libxcb-image0                         0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-keysyms1                       0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-randr0                         1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-render-util0                   0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-render0                        1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-shape0                         1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-shm0                           1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-sync1                          1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-util1                          0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-xfixes0                        1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-xkb1                           1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb1                               1.11.1-1               OK
libXcomposite1                        0.4.3-1                OK
libXcursor1                           1.1.14-1               OK
libXdamage1                           1.1.4-1                OK
libXdmcp-devel                        1.1.2-1                OK
libXdmcp6                             1.1.2-1                OK
libXext6                              1.3.3-1                OK
libXfixes3                            5.0.1-1                OK
libXft2                               2.3.2-1                OK
libXi6                                1.7.6-1                OK
libXinerama1                          1.1.3-1                OK
libxkbcommon0                         0.4.3-1                OK
libxml2                               2.9.3-1                OK
libXrandr2                            1.5.0-1                OK
libXrender1                           0.9.9-1                OK
libxslt                               1.1.28-2               OK
lndir                                 1.0.3-1                OK
login                                 1.11-1                 OK
lynx                                  2.8.7-1                OK
m4                                    1.4.17-2               OK
make                                  4.1-1                  OK
man-db                                2.7.4-1                OK
mingw-binutils                        2.23.1-1               OK
mingw-gcc-core                        4.7.3-1                OK
mingw-libgcrypt                       1.4.6-1                OK
mingw-libgcrypt-devel                 1.4.6-1                OK
mingw-libgcrypt11                     1.4.6-1                OK
mingw-libgpg-error-devel              1.10-1                 OK
mingw-libgpg-error0                   1.10-1                 OK
mingw-pthreads                        20110507-2             OK
mingw-runtime                         4.0-1                  OK
mingw-w32api                          4.0-1                  OK
mingw64-i686-binutils            OK
mingw64-i686-dbus                     1.8.20-1               OK
mingw64-i686-dbus-glib                0.102-1                OK
mingw64-i686-expat                    2.1.0-2                OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-core                 4.9.2-2                OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-g++                  4.9.2-2                OK
mingw64-i686-gconf2                   3.2.6-1                OK
mingw64-i686-gconfmm2.6               2.28.2-2               OK
mingw64-i686-gettext                     OK
mingw64-i686-glib2.0                  2.46.2-1               OK
mingw64-i686-glibmm2.4                2.46.2-1               OK
mingw64-i686-headers                  4.0.5-1                OK
mingw64-i686-libffi                   3.2.1-1                OK
mingw64-i686-libgnurx                 2.5-3                  OK
mingw64-i686-libsigc++2.0             2.6.2-1                OK
mingw64-i686-libxml2                  2.9.3-1                OK
mingw64-i686-ncurses                  6.0-4.20160305         OK
mingw64-i686-pkg-config               0.28-1                 OK
mingw64-i686-runtime                  4.0.5-1                OK
mingw64-i686-win-iconv                0.0.6-2                OK
mingw64-i686-windows-default-manifest 6.4-1                  OK
mingw64-i686-winpthreads              4.0.5-1                OK
mingw64-i686-xz                       5.2.1-1                OK
mingw64-i686-zlib                     1.2.8-4                OK
mintty                                2.2.3-0                OK
ncurses                               6.0-4.20160305         OK
openssh                               7.2p1-1                OK
openssl                               1.0.2g-3               OK
p11-kit                               0.22.1-1               OK
p11-kit-trust                         0.22.1-1               OK
patch                                 2.7.4-1                OK
perl                                  5.22.1-1               OK
perl-Carp                             1.38-1                 OK
perl-Encode-Locale                    1.05-1                 OK
perl-File-Listing                     6.04-5                 OK
perl-HTML-Parser                      3.72-1                 OK
perl-HTML-Tagset                      3.20-5                 OK
perl-HTTP-Cookies                     6.01-5                 OK
perl-HTTP-Daemon                      6.01-5                 OK
perl-HTTP-Date                        6.02-5                 OK
perl-HTTP-Message                     6.11-1                 OK
perl-HTTP-Negotiate                   6.01-5                 OK
perl-IO-HTML                          1.001-2                OK
perl-libwww-perl                      6.15-1                 OK
perl-LWP-MediaTypes                   6.02-5                 OK
perl-Net-HTTP                         6.09-1                 OK
perl-Pod-Simple                       3.32-1                 OK
perl-Unicode-Normalize                1.25-1                 OK
perl-URI                              1.71-1                 OK
perl-WWW-RobotRules                   6.02-5                 OK
perl-XML-Parser                       2.44-2                 OK
perl_autorebase                       5.22.1-1               OK
perl_base                             5.22.1-1               OK
pkg-config                            0.29-1                 OK
popt                                  1.16-1                 OK
python                                2.7.10-1               OK
python-beautifulsoup                  3.2.1-1                OK
python-chardet                        2.2.1-1                OK
python-lxml                           3.4.4-1                OK
python-setuptools                     15.2-1                 OK
rcs                                   5.9.4-1                OK
rcs-debuginfo                         5.9.4-1                OK
rebase                                4.4.1-1                OK
rsync                                 3.1.2-1                OK
run                                   1.3.4-2                OK
sed                                   4.2.2-3                OK
shared-mime-info                      1.6-2                  OK
tar                                   1.28-1                 OK
terminfo                              6.0-4.20160305         OK
texinfo                               6.1-2                  OK
tzcode                                2016a-1                OK
unzip                                 6.0-15                 OK
util-linux                            2.25.2-2               OK
vim-minimal                           7.4.1506-1             OK
w32api-headers                        4.0.4-1                OK
w32api-runtime                        4.0.4-1                OK
wget                                  1.17.1-1               OK
which                                 2.20-2                 OK
windows-default-manifest              6.4-1                  OK
xkeyboard-config                      2.17-1                 OK
xproto                                7.0.28-1               OK
xz                                    5.2.2-1                OK
zlib-devel                            1.2.8-3                OK
zlib0                                 1.2.8-3                OK
Cygwin Package Information
Package                               Version                Status
_autorebase                           001003-1               OK
adwaita-icon-theme                    3.18.0-1               OK
alternatives                          1.3.30c-10             OK
autoconf                              13-1                   OK
autoconf2.1                           2.13-12                OK
autoconf2.5                           2.69-3                 OK
automake                              9-1                    OK
automake1.10                          1.10.3-2               OK
automake1.11                          1.11.6-2               OK
automake1.12                          1.12.6-2               OK
automake1.13                          1.13.4-1               OK
automake1.14                          1.14.1-2               OK
automake1.15                          1.15-1                 OK
automake1.4                           1.4p6-11               OK
automake1.5                           1.5-11                 OK
automake1.6                           1.6.3-12               OK
automake1.7                           1.7.9-11               OK
automake1.8                           1.8.5-11               OK
automake1.9                           1.9.6-11               OK
base-cygwin                           3.8-1                  OK
base-files                            4.2-4                  OK
bash                                  4.3.42-4               Incomplete
bashdb                                3.1_0.09-1             OK
binutils                              2.25-4                 Incomplete
bison                                 3.0.4-1                Incomplete
byacc                                 20150711-1             Incomplete
bzip2                                 1.0.6-2                OK
ca-certificates                       2.6-1                  Incomplete
cccc                                  3.1.4-1                OK
clang                                 3.7.1-1                OK
cmake                                 3.3.2-1                OK
cmake-doc                             3.3.2-1                OK
cmake-gui                             3.3.2-1                OK
coreutils                             8.25-1                 Incomplete
crypt                                 1.2-1                  Incomplete
csih                                  0.9.9-1                Incomplete
cvs                                   1.11.23-2              Incomplete
cvsutils                              0.2.6-1                OK
cygport                               0.20.2-1               OK
cygrunsrv                             1.62-1                 Incomplete
cygutils                              1.4.15-2               OK
cygwin                                2.4.1-1                OK
cygwin-debuginfo                      2.4.1-1                Incomplete
cygwin-devel                          2.4.1-1                Incomplete
dash                                  0.5.8-3                Incomplete
desktop-file-utils                    0.22-1                 Incomplete
diffstat                              1.60-1                 Incomplete
diffutils                             3.3-3                  Incomplete
dos2unix                              7.3.3-1                Incomplete
dri-drivers                           11.0.9-2               Incomplete
editrights                            1.03-1                 Incomplete
file                                  5.25-1                 OK
findutils                             4.5.12-1               Incomplete
flac-devel                            1.3.1-1                Incomplete
flex                                  2.5.39-1               Incomplete
flexdll                               0.34-1                 Incomplete
gamin                                 0.1.10-15              OK
gawk                                  4.1.3-1                Incomplete
gcc-core                              5.3.0-3                Incomplete
gcc-g++                               5.3.0-3                Incomplete
gcc-objc                              5.3.0-3                Incomplete
gcc-objc++                            5.3.0-3                Incomplete
getent                                2.18.90-4              Incomplete
grep                                  2.21-2                 Incomplete
groff                                 1.22.3-1               Incomplete
gsettings-desktop-schemas             3.18.1-1               Incomplete
gtk-update-icon-cache                 3.18.7-1               OK
gzip                                  1.6-1                  Incomplete
hicolor-icon-theme                    0.12-1                 OK
hostname                              3.13-1                 Incomplete
info                                  6.1-2                  OK
ipc-utils                             1.0-1                  OK
kbproto                               1.0.7-1                Incomplete
less                                  481-1                  Incomplete
lftp                                  4.6.5-1                Incomplete
libarchive13                          3.1.2-3                OK
libargp                               20110921-2             Incomplete
libatk1.0_0                           2.18.0-1               OK
libatomic1                            5.3.0-3                OK
libattr-devel                         2.4.46-1               Incomplete
libattr1                              2.4.46-1               OK
libblkid1                             2.25.2-2               OK
libboost-devel                        1.58.0-1               Incomplete
libboost_atomic1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_chrono1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_container1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_context1.58                  1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_coroutine1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_date_time1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_filesystem1.58               1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_graph1.58                    1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_iostreams1.58                1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_locale1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_log1.58                      1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_math1.58                     1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_program_options1.58          1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_random1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_regex1.58                    1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_serialization1.58            1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_signals1.58                  1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_system1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_test1.58                     1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_thread1.58                   1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_timer1.58                    1.58.0-1               OK
libboost_wave1.58                     1.58.0-1               OK
libbz2-devel                          1.0.6-2                Incomplete
libbz2_1                              1.0.6-2                OK
libcairo2                             1.14.4-1               OK
libcharset1                           1.14-3                 OK
libclang3.7                           3.7.1-1                Incomplete
libcloog-isl4                         0.18.0-2               OK
libcom_err2                           1.42.12-2              OK
libcurl4                              7.47.1-1               OK
libdatrie1                            0.2.8-1                OK
libdb4.8                              4.8.30-1               OK
libdbus1_3                            1.8.16-1               OK
libedit0                              20130712-1             OK
libEGL1                               11.0.9-2               OK
libexpat1                             2.1.0-3                OK
libfam0                               0.1.10-15              OK
libffi6                               3.2.1-1                OK
libFLAC++6                            1.3.1-1                OK
libFLAC8                              1.3.1-1                OK
libfontconfig1                        2.11.1-3               OK
libfreetype-devel                     2.5.5-2                Incomplete
libfreetype6                          2.5.5-2                OK
libgcc1                               5.3.0-3                OK
libgcrypt20                           1.6.4-1                OK
libgdbm4                              1.8.3-20               OK
libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0                    2.32.2-1               Incomplete
libgif-devel                          4.1.6-10               Incomplete
libgif4                               4.1.6-10               OK
libGL1                                11.0.9-2               OK
libglapi0                             11.0.9-2               OK
libglib2.0_0                          2.46.2-2               Incomplete
libgmp10                              6.1.0-3p1              OK
libgnutls28                           3.3.17-1               OK
libgomp1                              5.3.0-3                OK
libgpg-error0                         1.19-1                 OK
libgraphite2_3                        1.3.6-1                OK
libgssapi_krb5_2                      1.13.2-4               OK
libgtk2.0_0                           2.24.29-1              Incomplete
libguile17                            1.8.8-1                Incomplete
libharfbuzz0                          1.0.6-1                OK
libhogweed2                           2.7-2                  OK
libICE-devel                          1.0.9-1                Incomplete
libICE6                               1.0.9-1                OK
libiconv                              1.14-3                 OK
libiconv-devel                        1.14-3                 Incomplete
libiconv2                             1.14-3                 OK
libicu-devel                          56.1-1                 Incomplete
libicu56                              56.1-1                 OK
libidn11                              1.29-1                 OK
libintl-devel                            Incomplete
libintl8                                 OK
libisl10                              0.11.1-2               OK
libisl13                              0.14.1-1               OK
libjasper1                            1.900.1-15             OK
libjbig2                              2.0-14                 OK
libjpeg-devel                         1.4.2-1                Incomplete
libjpeg8                              1.4.2-1                OK
libk5crypto3                          1.13.2-4               OK
libkrb5_3                             1.13.2-4               OK
libkrb5support0                       1.13.2-4               OK
liblcms-devel                         1.19-5                 Incomplete
liblcms1                              1.19-5                 OK
libllvm3.7                            3.7.1-1                OK
libltdl7                              2.4.6-3                OK
liblzma5                              5.2.2-1                OK
liblzo2_2                             2.08-1                 OK
libming-devel                         0.4.7-1                Incomplete
libming1                              0.4.7-1                OK
libmng-devel                          1.0.10-4               Incomplete
libmng1                               1.0.10-4               OK
libmpc3                               1.0.3-1                OK
libmpfr4                              3.1.4-1                OK
libncurses-devel                      6.0-4.20160305         Incomplete
libncurses10                          5.9-20150530-1         OK
libncursesw10                         6.0-4.20160305         OK
libnettle4                            2.7-2                  OK
libnghttp2_14                         1.7.1-1                OK
libobjc4                              5.3.0-3                OK
libogg-devel                          1.3.1-1                Incomplete
libogg0                               1.3.1-1                OK
libopenldap2_4_2                      2.4.42-1               OK
libopenssl100                         1.0.2g-3               Incomplete
libp11-kit0                           0.22.1-1               OK
libpango1.0_0                         1.38.1-1               OK
libpcre1                              8.38-2                 OK
libpcre16_0                           8.38-2                 OK
libpipeline1                          1.4.0-1                OK
libpixman1_0                          0.32.8-1               OK
libpng-devel                          1.6.20-1               Incomplete
libpng16                              1.6.20-1               OK
libpng16-devel                        1.6.20-1               Incomplete
libproxy1                             0.4.11-5               OK
libpsl5                               0.12.0-1               OK
libQt5Core5                           5.5.1-1                Incomplete
libQt5Gui5                            5.5.1-1                Incomplete
libquadmath0                          5.3.0-3                OK
libreadline7                          6.3.8-1                OK
libsasl2_3                            2.1.26-9               Incomplete
libsigsegv2                           2.10-2                 OK
libSM-devel                           1.2.2-1                Incomplete
libSM6                                1.2.2-1                OK
libsmartcols1                         2.25.2-2               OK
libsqlite3_0                          3.11.0-2               OK
libssh2_1                             1.7.0-1                OK
libssp0                               5.3.0-3                OK
libstdc++6                            5.3.0-3                OK
libtasn1_6                            4.7-1                  OK
libthai0                              0.1.21-1               OK
libtiff6                              4.0.6-1                OK
libtool                               2.4.6-3                Incomplete
libunistring2                         0.9.6-1                OK
libuuid-devel                         2.25.2-2               Incomplete
libuuid1                              2.25.2-2               OK
libvtv0                               5.3.0-3                OK
libX11-devel                          1.6.3-1                Incomplete
libX11-xcb1                           1.6.3-1                OK
libX11_6                              1.6.3-1                OK
libXau-devel                          1.0.8-1                Incomplete
libXau6                               1.0.8-1                OK
libxcb-devel                          1.11.1-1               Incomplete
libxcb-glx0                           1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-icccm4                         0.4.1-1                OK
libxcb-image0                         0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-keysyms1                       0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-randr0                         1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-render-util0                   0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-render0                        1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-shape0                         1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-shm0                           1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-sync1                          1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-util1                          0.3.9-1                OK
libxcb-xfixes0                        1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb-xkb1                           1.11.1-1               OK
libxcb1                               1.11.1-1               OK
libXcomposite1                        0.4.3-1                OK
libXcursor1                           1.1.14-1               OK
libXdamage1                           1.1.4-1                OK
libXdmcp-devel                        1.1.2-1                Incomplete
libXdmcp6                             1.1.2-1                OK
libXext6                              1.3.3-1                OK
libXfixes3                            5.0.1-1                OK
libXft2                               2.3.2-1                OK
libXi6                                1.7.6-1                OK
libXinerama1                          1.1.3-1                OK
libxkbcommon0                         0.4.3-1                OK
libxml2                               2.9.3-1                OK
libXrandr2                            1.5.0-1                OK
libXrender1                           0.9.9-1                OK
libxslt                               1.1.28-2               OK
lndir                                 1.0.3-1                OK
login                                 1.11-1                 Incomplete
lynx                                  2.8.7-1                OK
m4                                    1.4.17-2               Incomplete
make                                  4.1-1                  Incomplete
man-db                                2.7.4-1                OK
mingw-binutils                        2.23.1-1               Incomplete
mingw-gcc-core                        4.7.3-1                Incomplete
mingw-libgcrypt                       1.4.6-1                OK
mingw-libgcrypt-devel                 1.4.6-1                OK
mingw-libgcrypt11                     1.4.6-1                OK
mingw-libgpg-error-devel              1.10-1                 OK
mingw-libgpg-error0                   1.10-1                 OK
mingw-pthreads                        20110507-2             OK
mingw-runtime                         4.0-1                  OK
mingw-w32api                          4.0-1                  OK
mingw64-i686-binutils            Incomplete
mingw64-i686-dbus                     1.8.20-1               OK
mingw64-i686-dbus-glib                0.102-1                OK
mingw64-i686-expat                    2.1.0-2                OK
mingw64-i686-gcc-core                 4.9.2-2                Incomplete
mingw64-i686-gcc-g++                  4.9.2-2                Incomplete
mingw64-i686-gconf2                   3.2.6-1                OK
mingw64-i686-gconfmm2.6               2.28.2-2               OK
mingw64-i686-gettext                     OK
mingw64-i686-glib2.0                  2.46.2-1               OK
mingw64-i686-glibmm2.4                2.46.2-1               OK
mingw64-i686-headers                  4.0.5-1                OK
mingw64-i686-libffi                   3.2.1-1                OK
mingw64-i686-libgnurx                 2.5-3                  OK
mingw64-i686-libsigc++2.0             2.6.2-1                OK
mingw64-i686-libxml2                  2.9.3-1                OK
mingw64-i686-ncurses                  6.0-4.20160305         OK
mingw64-i686-pkg-config               0.28-1                 Incomplete
mingw64-i686-runtime                  4.0.5-1                OK
mingw64-i686-win-iconv                0.0.6-2                OK
mingw64-i686-windows-default-manifest 6.4-1                  OK
mingw64-i686-winpthreads              4.0.5-1                Incomplete
mingw64-i686-xz                       5.2.1-1                OK
mingw64-i686-zlib                     1.2.8-4                OK
mintty                                2.2.3-0                OK
ncurses                               6.0-4.20160305         OK
openssh                               7.2p1-1                Incomplete
openssl                               1.0.2g-3               OK
p11-kit                               0.22.1-1               Incomplete
p11-kit-trust                         0.22.1-1               Incomplete
patch                                 2.7.4-1                Incomplete
perl                                  5.22.1-1               Incomplete
perl-Carp                             1.38-1                 Incomplete
perl-Encode-Locale                    1.05-1                 Incomplete
perl-File-Listing                     6.04-5                 Incomplete
perl-HTML-Parser                      3.72-1                 Incomplete
perl-HTML-Tagset                      3.20-5                 Incomplete
perl-HTTP-Cookies                     6.01-5                 Incomplete
perl-HTTP-Daemon                      6.01-5                 Incomplete
perl-HTTP-Date                        6.02-5                 Incomplete
perl-HTTP-Message                     6.11-1                 Incomplete
perl-HTTP-Negotiate                   6.01-5                 Incomplete
perl-IO-HTML                          1.001-2                Incomplete
perl-libwww-perl                      6.15-1                 Incomplete
perl-LWP-MediaTypes                   6.02-5                 Incomplete
perl-Net-HTTP                         6.09-1                 Incomplete
perl-Pod-Simple                       3.32-1                 Incomplete
perl-Unicode-Normalize                1.25-1                 Incomplete
perl-URI                              1.71-1                 Incomplete
perl-WWW-RobotRules                   6.02-5                 Incomplete
perl-XML-Parser                       2.44-2                 Incomplete
perl_autorebase                       5.22.1-1               OK
perl_base                             5.22.1-1               Incomplete
pkg-config                            0.29-1                 Incomplete
popt                                  1.16-1                 OK
python                                2.7.10-1               Incomplete
python-beautifulsoup                  3.2.1-1                Incomplete
python-chardet                        2.2.1-1                Incomplete
python-lxml                           3.4.4-1                Incomplete
python-setuptools                     15.2-1                 Incomplete
rcs                                   5.9.4-1                Incomplete
rcs-debuginfo                         5.9.4-1                Incomplete
rebase                                4.4.1-1                OK
rsync                                 3.1.2-1                OK
run                                   1.3.4-2                Incomplete
sed                                   4.2.2-3                Incomplete
shared-mime-info                      1.6-2                  OK
tar                                   1.28-1                 Incomplete
terminfo                              6.0-4.20160305         Incomplete
texinfo                               6.1-2                  Incomplete
tzcode                                2016a-1                Incomplete
unzip                                 6.0-15                 Incomplete
util-linux                            2.25.2-2               Incomplete
vim-minimal                           7.4.1506-1             OK
w32api-headers                        4.0.4-1                OK
w32api-runtime                        4.0.4-1                Incomplete
wget                                  1.17.1-1               Incomplete
which                                 2.20-2                 OK
windows-default-manifest              6.4-1                  Incomplete
xkeyboard-config                      2.17-1                 OK
xproto                                7.0.28-1               Incomplete
xz                                    5.2.2-1                OK
zlib-devel                            1.2.8-3                Incomplete
zlib0                                 1.2.8-3                OK
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