Marco Atzeri sent the following at Friday, March 18, 2016 11:01 AM
>On 18/03/2016 15:43, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
>> I frequently ping-pong back and forth between working in the Windows
>> and Cygwin environments, needing to keep both Explorer windows and
>> Cygwin PWD focused on the same folder/directory. (I use mintty in
>> Cygwin.)
>> To open an Explorer window to my Cygwin PWD, I can simply type "cygstart .".
>> The reverse is a clumsy bit of typing and mousing: From Cygwin/bash,
>> enter "cd " (but not Return), go to my Explorer window and drag the
>> folder icon from the address bar into the mintty window and press return.
>> I'm looking for a simpler method.
>> My ideal scenario is to right-click in the Explorer window, select the
>> new Cygwin option that I'd like to appear, and this would open a
>> mintty/bash window with PWD set to that Windows folder.
>> Long shot, I know, but if anyone has done this and is willing to share
>> I'd love to hear about it. BTW, I'm using Windows 7 and am current on
>> Cygwin 64-bit.
> "Cygwin Prompt Here context menus"
>    looks on chere package

For a while recently - and for unknown reasons - the chere menu entries
were not working for me.  I ended up creating a shortcut in my SendTo
folder/menu that would open a bash window in the directory containing
the highlighted file or folder.  Not perfect, but better than nothing.

    C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -e /bin/xhere /bin/bash.exe "%L"
Start in:  [leave blank]

I don't remember whether there might be any customizations in .bashrc
that helped this to work, so YMMV.

BTW, chere is back working for me now.  Don't remember what - if
anything noticeable - changed.

- Barry

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