On 06/04/2016 11:32, Ismail Donmez wrote:
On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Marco Atzeri <marco.atz...@gmail.com> wrote:
A counter example:
try and let me know
I am not using a mutt colorscheme but a mintty one which mutt fails to
render. I will, however, try the change but a quote from the page
"The solution is to replace a lot of the very specific color
specifications of the colorscheme by the value default. "
This proves the point that mutt is unable to use 256-color specifications.
ncurse can handle 256 color.
I doubt that mutt is different from other programs.
which TERM variable are you using ?
$ TERM="xterm"
$ tput colors
$ TERM="xterm-256color"
$ tput colors
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