2016-04-18 15:25 GMT+02:00 Gerrit Haase wrote:
> my thought was, that UoW maybe requires (X) to access a file,
> because this is the bit missing from these files, and of course this
> is most probably a bug in UoW, if adding (X) is the solution to access
> Cygwin created files from UoW.

And this is it:
root@localhost:/mnt/c/cygwin/home/Gerrit# cat file3
cat: file3: Permission denied

Gerrit@GPHT410 ~
$ chmod a+x file3

root@localhost:/mnt/c/cygwin/home/Gerrit# cat file3

root@localhost:/mnt/c/cygwin/home/Gerrit# ls -la file3
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Apr 18 17:07 file3
root@localhost:/mnt/c/cygwin/home/Gerrit# chmod 644 file3
root@localhost:/mnt/c/cygwin/home/Gerrit# ls -la file3
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Apr 18 17:07 file3


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