On Apr 20 11:18, Ernie Rael wrote:
> On 4/20/2016 10:22 AM, Canham, Timothy K (348C) wrote:
> >I think I understand what happened now. The call to pthread_attr_init() is 
> >contained within a function we use to start threads. It is called successive 
> >times and it fails on the second call. It would appear that the stack entry 
> >gets laid out the exact same way as the previous call, so 
> >pthread_attr_init() sees the previous pthread_attr_t. I added a memset() of 
> >att and the issue went away. It looks like that is a good practice anyway.
> Best practice might be using pthread_attr_destroy(attr).

Good point.  Not calling pthread_attr_destroy on abandoned
pthread_attr_t also results in memory leaks on Cygwin.


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