On May 5, 2016, at 11:59 AM, Ken Brown <kbr...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> Ismail's suggestion did indeed produce deterministic builds in my setup.  I 
> built a large project with about 150 executables, changed a few source files, 
> removed the build directory, rebuilt, and found that only the (expected) few 
> executables changed.

…and does it do the same on a very different system?  e.g. Try it on both 
64-bit Windows 10 and on 32-bit Windows 7.

Perhaps you don’t need it, but part of the reason for the big push recently for 
reproducible builds is to be able to verify that binaries from a given source 
(e.g. Red Hat’s RPM feed) are in fact buildable from the sources distributed 
from the same source (e.g. Red Hat’s SRPMs).

The usual motivation for that is security: it’s no good receiving an SRPM with 
a security patch if the binary that yum installs still has the bug.

Therefore, if you get “reproducible” builds on only a single machine, you may 
not have achieved any useful result.
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