On 06/05/2016 20:10, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

a recent (last night into this morning) 32-bit Cygwin initial install
completed with these Unknown package messages

Package: _/Unknown package
    mingw64-x86_64-glib2.0-networking.sh exit code 126
    mingw64-x86_64-librsvg2.sh exit code 126
    mingw64-x86_64-libwmf.sh exit code 126
    x3270.sh exit code 1

Is it important/valuable to report these anomalies when they happen?

Ken Wolcott

looks for details on /var/log/setup.log.full

x3270.sh failure is probably due to the changes
on managing font. I would not worry about it.

You can also run the scripts directly


to see if it was a glitch or if the problem is still present.

The scripts that run correctly can be renamed as


PS: the special 0* and zp* script are always run and never renamed.


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