On Jun 8, 2016, at 9:04 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Brian Inglis writes:
>>> Maybe try Windows putty non-TCP/IP serial I/O? 
>> I was specifically trying to avoid a Windows program.
> putty is not a Windows program.

PuTTY started out as a Windows-only program and is certainly still best-known 
as a free GUI terminal program for Windows.  If you were to give a 
free-association test to a sufficiently large set of random IT people, I’d bet 
there would be more who would answer “Windows” than with all non-Windows 
OS-related terms combined.

What you should have said is that there is a Cygwin build of putty in the 
official Cygwin package repository.

Unfortunately, it is a GUI program, which seems to go against the OP’s actual 
wish, which is for a command line program.  

If the OP can stand a curses terminal program (as opposed to a purely 
bytestream oriented program like cu or direct /dev/tty* access) then I’d 
suggest minicom.

minicom builds out of the box on Cygwin *provided* that you have libiconv-devel 
and libncurses-devel installed.  The configure script will diagnose the absence 
of the first, but it tries to work around the lack of the latter and fails 
during the build.

  $ wget https://alioth.debian.org/frs/download.php/file/3977/minicom-2.7.tar.gz
  $ tar xf minicom-2.7.tar.gz
  $ cd minicom-2.7
  $ ./configure && make -j11
  $ src/minicom --version
  minicom version 2.7 (compiled Jun  9 2016)
  Copyright (C) Miquel van Smoorenburg.

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