On 6/24/2016 3:57 AM, Azatyan, Anushavan wrote:
I have build in cygwin environment my own dll which calls standard unix like 
(fopen, fclose, fread …). And now I would like to attach that dll to my program 
which is
developed in Visual Studio environment and call some of my function from that 
Or I would like to call functions from my dll in Matlab mex or in LabView vi.

All my attempts up till now were unsuccessfull. Is there a way to do it ?

AFAIK, you can't really mix the cygwin Posix emulation environment and the 
native C environment in that way.  Why not build your library using Windows 
What is cygwin buying you in this case?  I'm pretty sure Windows supports 
similar to the ones you list.

Regards -- Eliot Moss

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