On 6/29/2016 8:24 AM, KARL BOTTS wrote:

2) I always have cygdrive-prefix set to /, so that I can do, e.g. "cd /c".
But when you reinstall cygwin, you must do it again with "mount -c".  And then
immediately do "mount -m > /etc/fstab", so that it sticks.  Then, you should
patch up the symlinks in /etc/{hosts,services,couple-more}; find them with
readlink.  There are some more in some fonts dir, but I ignore those: don't

A minor suggestion here:

I have had less trouble by linking individual drives, e.g.,

/c -> /cygdrive/c

This does not get you every one of them, but you can set more
(/d -> /cygdrive/d, etc.) and cover them over time.

May not be for everyone, but setting that prefix to / seems
to be potentially problematic.

More broadly, and this may be something for the cygwin / rebaseall
maintainers, it would have helped me to have clear instructions as
to how to blow away the rebase database so that I can force it to
be rebuilt.  Installations and upgrades do sometimes get me into
rebase issues, and sometimes it seems that rebuilding the database
(and (often) rebooting as well) are needed to fix it.  Having those
instructions in the documentation (man page, etc.) for rebase and
friends would have saved me time figuring it out.  The docs seem
somewhat to pre-date the advent of the rebase database and incremental

Regards -- Eliot Moss

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