Hi All,

What's this doing?

  Writing faq.html for article(faq)
  sed -i 's;<a name="id[mp][0-9]*"></a>;;g' faq/faq.html
  ../../.././winsup/doc/bodysnatcher.pl faq/faq.html
xmlto --skip-validation --with-dblatex pdf -o cygwin-ug-net/ -m ../../.././winsup/doc/fo.xsl ../../.. /./winsup/doc/cygwin-ug-net.xml
  Build the book set list...

  Build the listings...

It sat for a long time in "book set list ..." with the CPU idle.

Same thing for "Build the listings...". It's just sitting there and sitting there.

Task Manager shows an xsltproc.exe that isn't doing anything.

Is this making network calls to an unresponsive server in Cameroon or something?

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