On Tue 05 Jul 2016, Xi Shen wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to make some code change to Emacs for Windows, but first I need
> to setup the build environment.
> I got the Emacs git repo, and tried "config msdos", but I got
> "permission denied" error. If I execute "cmd" from Cygwin bash, I can
> execute "config msdos", but I got error about DJGPP. I made sure I
> have install all packages with name DJGPP in them, but I still got
> this error.
> What else do I need?

You are using the build method for MSDOS - what you want is a cygwin
target, which uses the normal POSIX build machinery.

Build instructions are in the file INSTALL.REPO at the top of the repo.
For the w32 build (which uses the Win32 GUI rather than X11), you will
need to configure using "--with-w32".


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