<Dominic.R.Jones <at> faa.gov> writes:
> Activating mod_slotmem_shm (as a shared module) resolved this issue and
allowed httpd to start.  However,
> httpd now produces the following notice on (successful) startup:
>     [Mon Jul 25 09:27:40.718810 2016] [lbmethod_heartbeat:notice] [pid
2345] AH02282: No slotmem from mod_heartmonitor
> I'm wondering if there changes to the static modules included in the new
version's package.  The changelog
> for httpd itself didn't suggest any changes between these two versions
that would cause configuration differences.

I don't know about Apache and these modules, but in order for SHM to be
avilable, you must run cygserver.


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