Hello Marco and thank you for your precious answer.
I think that I understand why the Xserver log splash on the screen in mintty.
I found an explanation for this around web within a post.
It says that Mintty use pty's so "if you run say Cygwin's bash from a cmd 
window and then start cmd it will 
not get the echoing. If, however, you start cmd from a bash shell that 
is in a mintty window then you're using pty's and you'll get echoing." 
Is this correct in your opinion?
With reference to your "open more than Mintty window" (Minttty within another 
Mintty), I saw that the echoin starts on windows that contains startx script 
Taking into account your suggested solution I think that you mean 
to create 2 .bat Win files into the usb eigher containing:

1) E:\cygwin\bin\run.exe --quote /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "cd; exec 

2) E:\cygwin\bin\run.exe --quote /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "cd; exec 

I tried them and they are Ok!The only command that I don't understand is "cd;". 
Why do you use it?
With reference to portable version I try to go into the site but it is very 
difficult to find an email in wich I can suggest some items to the author.
I hope to reach and send my comments to tune the .paf file.
I thank you again very very much for your big assistance


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