On 29/07/2016 23:02, LMH wrote:
The above did not appear to build the application in that I don't see
any binaries that were created. It looks like the command cmake
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang .. just configured the build without actually
compiling and building the application.
Do I need to do something different to get the application to be
created? I have never used cmake before and am more than a bit out of my
depth here.
you need to run "make".
cmake create only the Makefiles
At any rate, the above suggests that there is an issue with my cygwin
installation here and possibly that clang isn't working. Does my output
from cygcheck suggest anything?
Basically the source you are trying to build:
- accept only clang (we have, with some difference from the author,
but it is not our default)
- accept only GNU LIBC++ (we don't have)
- requires "-std=gnu++1z" (a proposed standard that could be rejected in
the Author cares only that the program builds for himself
and not on other platforms.
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