On 2016.08.11 22:13, Greg Freemyer wrote:
On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:44 PM, Thomas Taylor <tayl...@gmail.com> wrote: > Thank you for responding to my post. I think I asked the wrong question. > What I really want to know is how to use this mailing list and others like > it. I'm new at this, and can't find any instructions anywhere. Such lists > must have become part of the culture, and I must have missed school that
> day.  I'm able to create a post, but don't know how to reply to one.
> Somehow I got the feeling that I should only reply to the mailing list, > rather than directly to the person (like you) who responded to my post. I > don't get responses via email, and don't even know if I should. Instead, I > check for them periodically on the web page for the mailing list archive.
> If I find a response, I don't know the right way to reply.

Are you subscribed such that you get each email as a separate email?

If so, all you have to do is reply.

Reply all s normally fine, but I've been on lists with various rules

I suspect your issue is how you subscribed to the list.


That also depends on you email software. In most cases, Greg is right, and you can just hit "reply". However, in some cases, the combination of the list software and you email software knows you can "Reply to group" which is different - it replies to the list address, and not to the individual who sent the message. Unfortunately, there is not consistency here, so you have to learn how the lists you subscribe to identify themselves, and how you individual email software deals with that. For example, I need to "G" or "Reply-group" rather than just "Reply". The real issue is simply that you need to pay attention to all the "To:" and "CC:" headers before you hit "Send".
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