On Friday, August 5, 2016 11:34, "Corinna Vinschen" <corinna-cyg...@cygwin.com> 

> On Aug  5 12:27, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> On Aug  4 09:00, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> > On Aug  3 15:05, rm...@aboutgolf.com wrote:
>> > > [...]
>> > > Unknown+User@Lenovo-PC /cygdrive/c/cygwin64
>> > > $ ./azure-check2
>> > >   Sid: S-1-12-1-2043906341-1249388050-2635137163-399631282
>> > > Dom\Name: AzureAD\RussellMora
>> > > Primary Group:
>> > >   Sid: S-1-12-1-2043906341-1249388050-2635137163-399631282
>> > >   Dom\Name: AzureAD\RussellMora
>> > > NetUserGetInfo: 53
>> > >
>> > > Unknown+User@Lenovo-PC /cygdrive/c/cygwin64
>> > > $
>> > >
>> > > (As an aside, I assume that the fact that the permissions on the
>> > > compiled executable are totally messed up, and thus the executable
>> > > won't run until I fix them via Windows, is incidental to the fact that
>> > > I am running under "Unknown+User" and thus you don't want any
>> > > information on that as well.....)
>> >
>> > Good thinking :)
>> >
>> > Can you please try the attached testcase?  Probably my last straw.  If
>> > that doesn't work as desired, support for AzureAD accounts will be very
>> > limited.
>> I guess you're already on vacation, but never mind.
>> I improved my testcase a bit and attached it to this mail.  Can you please
>> try this one when you're back?
> Oh, and while you're at it, can you please check your registry for a key
> NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-12-1-2043906341-1249388050-2635137163-399631282
> It should have a value called "ProfileImagePath" which contains something
> along the lines of "C:\Users\RussellMora".

Yes it does, exactly as you described.


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