On 2016-08-16 19:49, lloyd.w...@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
I'd like to understand Cygwin's installation and
security models better:
- Cygwin's installers aren't signed.
- downloads are from a number of untrusted mirrors
  via http/ftp, and packages aren't verified.
Is this correct?

The installer is downloaded from a TLS enabled web site.
The installer manifest contains a public key, so the build
or at least the manifest is signed with a private key.
There are detached GPG signatures for the installer programs
setup_x86{,_64}.exe and setup.ini data files, verified by the
The setup.ini installer data files contain message digests
for each of the installable packages, verified by the
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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