I have uploaded mintty 2.4.3 with the following changes:

* Fix trails when moving other window over mintty under certain conditions (#576).
  * Fix format of double child creation error message.

I have also uploaded mintty 2.5.0 as a test release with the following change:

* Revise DPI handling (#470; #492, #487); always consider individual monitor DPI.

Note that this release introduces a slightly incompatible change in mintty.
The issue is that the interpretation of font size used to be suitable for traditional resolution monitors and did not consider higher-DPI monitors or the Windows monitor "zooming" feature which adjusts a virtual DPI. As a result, the handling of changed DPI (when moving the window to another monitor) introduced in 2.2.1 interfered with other aspects, the initial DPI was not considered, and a number of unpleasant side effects were occasionally observed.

I intend to change DPI handling to be consistent with the respective monitor DPI (as optionally configured by "zooming factor"), and to comply with font size interpreation of other applications, e.g. notepad. In consequence the initial font size may be smaller (or larger) than before, depending on the actual monitor geometry and configuration. Nothing would change on a "standard" monitor configuration. To compensate, some people may have to change their font size configuration.

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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