On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Felipe Vieira wrote:
> no my vimrc. From http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/map.html:
> *<Nop>*
> A easier way to get a mapping that doesn't produce anything, is to use 
> "<Nop>".
> Anyways this is not the expected behavior. Is there some complexity
> here that I'm not capturing? In theory I'm disabling the <esc> key and
> that's all. Why is it interfering with m arrow keys and the del key?

If I recall correctly, some keys, including the arrows and DEL, are
actually a very fast combination of other keys, and if you could type
fast enough, you could do the same thing by hitting the corresponding
key sequence.  This would also result in effectively disabling all
keys that depend on ESC being the first character of a sequence if you
disable ESC.

Might I ask why you would want to disable ESC in vi?

-- Erik

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