I have uploaded mintty 2.5.1 with the following changes:

* Revised DPI handling (#470; #492, #487); always consider individual monitor DPI.
  * Fixed font scaling behaviour in Windows 7 and XP (#492).
  * Fixed DPI scaling of Options menu (#492).
  * Fixed font description formatting in Options menu.
* Fixed disappearing VT100 graphic characters when font size too small (#578).

Note that the revised DPI handling (which was already available in the
test release 2.5.0) introduces a slightly incompatible change in mintty.
Interpretation of font size is now adjusted to the DPI value
(also known as scaling or zooming factor) configured per monitor
suitable for either Windows 7 or Windows 10 DPI handling models.
This makes mintty font size interpretation consistent with that of
other applications, e.g. notepad. In consequence the initial font size
may be smaller (or larger) than before, depending on the actual
monitor geometry and configuration. To compensate, some people may have to
change their font size configuration.

I have also uploaded test release mintty 2.6.0 with the following changes:

  * Sixel graphics support (#572, thanks to Hayaki Saito).
* VT340 terminal ID configuration option (corresponding to Sixel feature).
  * Fixed primary DA response, depending on configured terminal ID.

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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