Hi everyone,

I've noticed a problem with a specific command on cygwin, but only when executed behind a VPN. I would like to know how to find more information about this problem, and/or how/where to report this potential bug.

The following command is taking a lot of time behind a VPN (works fast without the VPN):
cmd.exe /X /C "git --version"
Running git --version works equally fast in both cases, so I would guess there is a problem in cmd.exe/cygwin, but I'm not sure. Any suggestion on how to gather more information about the network is welcome.

My cygwin version:
$ uname -r

My cmd.exe version:
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
OS Version:                6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601

My git version: 2.8.3


PS: This is my first time on this mailing list, so please apologize for my mistakes.

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