I've managed to resolve this.  I turned off color output in the cqlsh
config file. It doesn't provide a way that I can see to configure the
colors that are used, and black works perfectly fine for me.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 6:46 AM, James Darnley <james.darn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2016-09-15 22:47, David Karr wrote:
>> When I run mintty, the background is white, and normal text is black.
>> This is fine.  However, there are some applications that are
>> displaying text in other colors, many of which are fine, but some apps
>> display some text in yellow, which on a white background is almost
>> unreadable.
>> For instance, the display from Cassandra's "cqlsh" shows the results
>> of queries in black, purple (probably not quite right), and yellow.
>> The worst part is, it's using yellow for the column values.
>> Is there any way to control this, in general (obviously, not just for
>> cqlsh output)?
> Set Mintty's yellow colour to be something legible against your chosen
> background colour.
> (Come to think of it, I should rebase my old GUI colour selection patch.
>  I probably should update Mintty anyway.  But all that would require
> effort.)
> P.S.  Sorry about mailing you directly David.

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