On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 11:34:14PM +0300, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, Wayne Porter!
> >>       Essentially you have a bunch of users on different machines that 
> >> aren't
> >> sharing their files under any common (or shared) security authority
> >> (like a single domain).  Until you persuade the owners of those linux 
> >> machines
> >> to move the linux machines under a common security authority (like a 
> >> windows
> >> domain) and moving the user accounts into the domain.  Each local account
> >> would have to be moved to a domain account with the files under each
> >> machine-local account being moved (or "chown'ed") to the new, corresponding
> >> domain account).
> > The shares are mapped and working just fine in Windows. To IT, there isn't
> > anything that needs to be done.
> If they really believe that, they are even less qualified than I've thought.
> The whole thing works by a pure accident. And a slightest change in
> conventions or default behavior of either Windows or Samba may bring the end
> to the happy dreams of your IT dep.
> > It just happens that Cygwin, which I'm the only one using, maps the Windows
> > mapped drives to an unknown user account and makes using it difficult.
> Windows maps it to an unknown user account also.
> It just happens to know, from which server the account came and can fetch the
> names in a subrequest. But they are NOT domain names, neither their UID's are
> domain UID's. You can't even control permissions from domain, you'd need to
> login to the machine and fiddle with perms locally.
> >>       This is an organizational problem that has nothing to do with
> >> cygwin, but whether windows and linux machines are using domain or 
> >> machine-local
> >> security.  Until your linux machines and their local user become part of 
> >> the
> >> domain, you can't expect any "write" privileges granted to you under the
> >> domain to work on the linux machines.
> >> 
> > I have write permissions on those machines from Windows. Cygwin thinks I 
> > don't so
> > files are opened in read-only mode but when I force them to be written, it 
> > works.
> > I'm not sure if maybe I left this out of my initial information, but these 
> > are
> > shares that are mapped in Windows on login and there are no issues there, 
> > but once
> > I open Cygwin, I don't appear to have write access even though I do.
> > When mapping the drives in Windows, a username and password are given. Is 
> > there no
> > way to let Cygwin know about that username without joining the servers to 
> > the domain?
> > I know that this setup isn't ideal, which is why I'm trying to find a 
> > work-around.
> I've had this same setup for years, and one unlucky friday, it blew in my face
> when I was committing an important batch of change in my project to the
> repository.
> I've spent next two weeks salvaging the working copy. But nothing worked until
> I said "fuck it" and finally took my time to reinstall 64-bit OS and setup a
> domain (this is my home network, so I though with only me using it there's no
> pressing... guess there was).
My situation is not ideal and I will try to convince IT to change their
ways, but there is a chance that I'll be using the current work-arounds
for a while. Thanks for the advice and the warnings about what to expect
in the future.


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