On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 1:18 PM, Rus wrote:
> I understand that Cygwin 2.5.2 was the last version that actually worked
> with Windows-XP.
> I tried to run the setup-x86.exe program, and it just fails.  Quite
> unfortunate, as this
> will simply force me to abandon further usage of Cygwin.
> Short of messing around with the "Cygwin Time Machine", is there a simple
> way to just
> download some of the 2.5.2 source and/or the executables? (I need bzip2.exe,
> for example,
> and I find I only had gzip.exe installed.  Arrrrgh.).

What "messing around" is there?  I downloaded the setup.exe provided
from the time machine and installed cygwin on a freshly loaded XP-SP3
host without issue...

-- Erik

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