On 8 November 2016 at 07:37, Fergus <fer...@bonhard.uklinux.net> wrote:
>> WinXP is not supported. Complain as you wish, write as long a posts as you
> were, it won't change.
>> If you need old, outdated and unsupported OS, go into old, outdated and
> unsupported Cygwin Time Machine.
> Hang on, this is just a bit dismissive. Years ago the Cygwin nobility gave
> us all loads of warning of the demise of v.1.5 (the last installation that
> could be used on W95/98); they took fantastic trouble over supplying - and
> deploying to mirrors - the last relevant sources under release-legacy/ with
> an associated setup-legacy.ini AND an associated setup-legacy.exe to set the
> whole thing up. And, finally, seven or more years on, this version is still
> available: see, for example,
> http://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/windows/cygwin/.
> No such efforts with the last available XP version. Come on, the Time
> Machine is really hard to navigate. It would have been really helpful to do
> for XP exactly what was done for 95/98: petrify the last relevant sources
> along with .ini and .exe, re-label conveniently and obviously, and upload to
> mirrors.

The world has changed greatly since that time. Cygwin is no longer a
product with an income stream that can cover costs of admins,
developers and legwork. It is done by volunteers at Red Hat (Corinna
and Yaakov's jobs are now primarily linux kernel development and other
work). Yes it would be great if that work had been done and if someone
wants to help and do that work, it would be really helpful.

I am saying this as someone who made such suggestions and didn't do
the work to help them. Guilty as charged. I can see what I can do over
my Winter break but it will be a month or more before it happens.

> Could this not still be done? Sure, continuing usage of XP carries its own
> risks, but that's a quite different issue.
> Fergus
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Stephen J Smoogen.

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