On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 12:36 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz
<yselkow...@cygwin.com> wrote:
> The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
> * mysql-10.1.19-1
> * [...]

Would you consider a change in the mysql packages back to using
readline? It should hopefully be as simple as:


I tried doing a cygport prep with that set, but the mysql package's
patches aren't applying successfully, so I couldn't easily give it a

The reason for the switch back is that the current line-editing lib is
severely crippled compared to readline. There's no search (and the
suggestions I saw for how to enable Ctrl-R don't work), there's no
undo (or redo), there's no Esc-. arg references, there's no word
delete, etc. Also, its save format is quite unreadable (not to mention
that it blew-away my mysql command history in ~/.mysql_history, which
was really quite rude of it).

I know that RHEL/CentOS still uses readline in their mariadb packages,
so hopefully it will be an easy change.


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