Hi , i am using "Mutex sem"

if i using Mutex posixsem proxy, came out 2 errors:
1 .watchdog-callback (fixed by using Mutex sem)
2. Failed to lookup provider 'shm' for 'slotmem': is mod_slotmem_shm
loaded (fixed by uncomments conf file )

I fixed it!  I don't know if the fix is any good, but the server
starts and serves pages.  The key was this Mutex directive:


I wound up adding this to my httpd.conf:

> Mutex posixsem proxy

I don't know if "posixsem" is the right choice, but it seems to work.
All of the choices have warnings that make them all sound horrible:
dizzyness, depression, erectile dysfunction...but we're going to try
this.  I'm just developing on my local system, anyway.


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