A new version of Setup, release 2.877, has been uploaded to

  https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe     (32 bit version)
  https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe  (64 bit version)

Changes compared to 2.876:

- Restore the Alt-V keyboard accelerator for the package view selection control

- Enable searching for package names longer than will fit in the search edit box, by allowing the text in the edit box to horizontally scroll

- Disable the next button if the 'Root Directory' edit box is empty

- Fix a crash which could occur with a corrupt /etc/setup/installed.db

- Start package chooser in "Pending" view if this is not a first time installation

- The supported setup.ini syntax has been extended to allow more than 3 versions of a package

- Use the English words 'Keep', 'Current' and 'Test' as button labels in the package chooser page.

- A few source code cleanups

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