On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 10:18 AM, David Karr <davidmichaelk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Win7.  I believe my Cygwin version info is "2.5.2(0.297/5/3) 2016-06-23 
> 14:29".
> I've been annoyed for a while with a symptom in my mintty windows.  I
> will be typing along, or not, and suddenly a "~" character gets
> injected into the stream. It often is the only character at the
> prompt, so I can erase it and type my command, but it's really
> annoying when it appears while I'm typing. I was just reminded of it
> now when it injected the "~" right before I pressed enter on a
> "mkdir", so I had to then remove the dir I just created and recreate
> it.
> Is this something that Cygwin can control?

I've determined what "instigates" this, but I find that it only mainly
affects mintty and somewhat affects emacs. I've never seen a symptom
in any other application.

I use a tool called "Windows Caffeine" that is used to keep the
display awake.  It sends a "f15 key up" event every 59 seconds.  That
is what is producing the "~" character in the mintty window.  I've
also seen a symptom from this in Emacs, but it's harder to produce.
It's not as simple as just having a text buffer in focus. I haven't
been able to reliably produce it in Emacs, but the mintty symptom is
very reproducible.

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